Run Time Type Information (RTTI) and typeid()

RTTI in Game Entity Systems

What are the best practices for using RTTI in game development, particularly for entity systems?

Illustration representing computer hardware

RTTI (Run-Time Type Information) can be a powerful tool in game development, especially for entity systems.

However, it's important to use it judiciously due to potential performance implications. Let's explore some best practices for using RTTI in game entity systems:

1. Consider Performance

RTTI operations can be relatively slow, especially in performance-critical sections of game code. Be mindful of where and how often you're using RTTI.

class GameObject {
  virtual ~GameObject() = default;
  // Other common GameObject methods...

class Player : public GameObject {
  // Player-specific methods and data...

class Enemy : public GameObject {
  // Enemy-specific methods and data...

// Avoid this in performance-critical code
void UpdateGameObject(GameObject* obj) {
  // RTTI operation, potentially slow
  if (dynamic_cast<Player*>(obj)) {
    // Update player
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Enemy*>(obj)) {
    // Update enemy

2. Use Type Enums or IDs

Instead of relying on RTTI, consider using type enums or IDs. This is often faster and gives you more control:

enum class GameObjectType {
  Player, Enemy, Projectile

class GameObject {
  virtual ~GameObject() = default;
  virtual GameObjectType GetType() const = 0;
  // Other common GameObject methods...

class Player : public GameObject {
  GameObjectType GetType() const override {
    return GameObjectType::Player;
  // Player-specific methods and data...

// This is typically faster than using dynamic_cast
void UpdateGameObject(GameObject* obj) {
  switch (obj->GetType()) {
    case GameObjectType::Player:
      // Update player
    case GameObjectType::Enemy:
      // Update enemy
      // ...

3. Component-Based Design

Consider using a component-based design, which can often eliminate the need for RTTI:

#include <memory>
#include <vector>

class Component {
  virtual ~Component() = default;
  virtual void Update() = 0;

class PhysicsComponent : public Component {
  void Update() override {
    // Update physics

class RenderComponent : public Component {
  void Update() override {
    // Update rendering

class GameObject {
  void AddComponent(
    std::unique_ptr<Component> component
  ) {

  void Update() {
    for (auto& component : components_) {

  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Component>> components_;

4. Use RTTI for Debug and Development Features

RTTI can be very useful for debug features, logging, or development tools. Consider enabling it only in debug builds:

#ifdef _DEBUG
void DebugPrintObjectInfo(const GameObject* obj) {
  std::cout << "Object type: "
    << typeid(*obj).name() << "\n";

5. Custom RTTI System

For maximum control and performance, consider implementing a custom RTTI system:

#include <cstdint>

class GameObject {
  virtual ~GameObject() = default;
  virtual uint32_t GetTypeId() const = 0;

  template <typename T>
  bool Is() const {
    return GetTypeId() == T::StaticTypeId();

  template <typename T>
  T* As() {
    return Is<T>() ? static_cast<T*>(this)
      : nullptr;

#define DECLARE_GAME_OBJECT_TYPE(TypeName)      \
  static uint32_t StaticTypeId() {              \
    static const uint32_t id = GetNextTypeId(); \
    return id;                                  \
  }                                             \
  uint32_t GetTypeId() const override {         \
    return StaticTypeId();                      \

class Player : public GameObject {
  // Player-specific methods and data...

int main() {
  GameObject* obj = GetSomeGameObject();
  if (obj->Is<Player>()) {
    Player* player = obj->As<Player>();
    // Use player...

6. Visitor Pattern

For complex hierarchies, consider the Visitor pattern as an alternative to RTTI:

#include <vector>

class GameObject;
class Player;
class Enemy;

class GameObjectVisitor {
  virtual void Visit(Player& player) = 0;
  virtual void Visit(Enemy& enemy) = 0;
  // Other Visit methods...

class GameObject {
  virtual ~GameObject() = default;
  virtual void Accept(GameObjectVisitor& visitor) = 0;

class Player : public GameObject {
  void Accept(GameObjectVisitor& visitor) override {

class UpdateVisitor : public GameObjectVisitor {
  void Visit(Player& player) override {
    // Update player
  void Visit(Enemy& enemy) override {
    // Update enemy

int main() {
  UpdateVisitor updater;
  // Collection of objects in our game
  std::vector<GameObject*> gameObjects;
  // Update everything
  for (auto& obj : gameObjects) {

Remember, the best approach depends on your specific needs, performance requirements, and the complexity of your game. Always profile your code to ensure that your chosen method meets your performance targets.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Run Time Type Information (RTTI) and typeid()

Learn to identify and react to object types at runtime using RTTI, dynamic casting and the typeid() operator

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Run Time Type Information (RTTI) and typeid()

Learn to identify and react to object types at runtime using RTTI, dynamic casting and the typeid() operator

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