Run Time Type Information (RTTI) and typeid()

Extending RTTI for Custom Reflection

Is it possible to extend RTTI to work with user-defined types in a custom reflection system?

Illustration representing computer hardware

While C++'s built-in RTTI system is not directly extensible, it's possible to build a custom reflection system that works alongside RTTI for user-defined types.

This approach allows you to create a more powerful and flexible type information system tailored to your specific needs.

Here's an example of how you might implement a basic custom reflection system. First, define a base class for reflectable types:

#include <string>

class Reflectable {
  virtual ~Reflectable() = default;
  virtual std::string getTypeName() const = 0;

Create a reflection registry:

#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>

class Reflectable {/*...*/}; class ReflectionRegistry { public: template <typename T> void registerType(const std::string& name) { typeMap_[typeid(T).name()] = name; } std::string getTypeName( const std::type_info& info ) const { auto it = typeMap_.find(; return (it != typeMap_.end()) ? it->second : "Unknown"; } private: std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> typeMap_; }; ReflectionRegistry& getRegistry() { static ReflectionRegistry registry; return registry; }

Implement reflectable types:

#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>

class Reflectable {/*...*/};
class ReflectionRegistry {/*...*/}; class Monster : public Reflectable { public: std::string getTypeName() const override { return getRegistry().getTypeName( typeid(*this) ); } }; class Dragon : public Monster { // Dragon-specific implementation }; inline void registerTypes() { getRegistry().registerType<Monster>("Monster"); getRegistry().registerType<Dragon>("Dragon"); }

Use the custom reflection system:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>

class Reflectable {/*...*/};
class ReflectionRegistry {/*...*/};
class Monster : public Reflectable {/*...*/};
class Dragon : public Monster {/*...*/};
inline void registerTypes() {/*...*/} int main() { registerTypes(); std::unique_ptr<Monster> monster = std::make_unique<Monster>(); std::unique_ptr<Monster> dragon = std::make_unique<Dragon>(); std::cout << "Monster type: " << monster->getTypeName() << '\n'; std::cout << "Dragon type: " << dragon->getTypeName() << '\n'; // You can still use standard RTTI alongside // your custom system std::cout << "Is dragon a Dragon? " << (typeid(*dragon) == typeid(Dragon) ? "Yes" : "No"); }
Monster type: Monster
Dragon type: Dragon
Is dragon a Dragon? Yes

This custom reflection system allows you to:

  1. Associate custom names with types.
  2. Retrieve type information at runtime for user-defined types.
  3. Extend the system with additional type metadata as needed.

You could further enhance this system by adding features like:

  • Property reflection: Allow reflection of class members.
  • Method reflection: Enable calling methods by name at runtime.
  • Serialization support: Use reflection data to implement generic serialization.

Remember that while this custom system provides more flexibility, it also requires more maintenance and may have a higher performance cost than built-in RTTI. Always consider the trade-offs for your specific use case.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Run Time Type Information (RTTI) and typeid()

Learn to identify and react to object types at runtime using RTTI, dynamic casting and the typeid() operator

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Run Time Type Information (RTTI) and typeid()

Learn to identify and react to object types at runtime using RTTI, dynamic casting and the typeid() operator

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