Understanding Reference and Pointer Types

Const Pointers and Pointers to Const

What is the difference between a const pointer and a pointer to const?

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The placement of const in a pointer declaration can be confusing, but it's important to understand the difference:

  1. A pointer to const (e.g., const int*) is a pointer that points to a const value. You cannot change the value that the pointer points to, but you can change the pointer itself to point to another value.
  2. A const pointer (e.g., int* const) is a pointer that cannot be changed to point to another value. However, the value that the pointer points to can be changed.

Here's an example:

int main() {
  int x = 10;
  int y = 20;

  const int* ptr1 = &x;
  // Error: cannot change value through ptr1
  *ptr1 = 30; 
  // Okay: can change to point to another value
  ptr1 = &y;

  int* const ptr2 = &x;
  // Okay: can change value through ptr2
  *ptr2 = 30;
  // Error: cannot change to point to another value
  ptr2 = &y; 

You can also have a const pointer to a const value (e.g., const int* const), which means that neither the pointer nor the value it points to can be changed.

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