When dealing with very large files, reading the entire file into memory can be impractical or even impossible due to memory limitations.
Here are a few techniques to efficiently search for specific data in large files without loading the entire file:
If the data you're searching for has no particular structure or ordering, you might have to resort to a sequential search.
However, you can make it more efficient by reading the file in chunks (buffers) rather than byte by byte:
#include <SDL.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
bool SearchFile(
const char* Path,
const char* SearchTerm,
size_t TermLength
) {
SDL_RWops* File{SDL_RWFromFile(Path, "rb")};
if (!File) {
std::cerr << "Error opening file: "
<< SDL_GetError() << "\n";
return false;
const size_t BufferSize{4096};
char Buffer[BufferSize];
size_t BytesRead;
while ((BytesRead = SDL_RWread(
File, Buffer, 1, BufferSize
)) > 0) {
for (size_t i{0}; i < BytesRead; ++i) {
// Check if the search term starts at
// this position
if (i + TermLength <= BytesRead &&
Buffer + i,
) == 0) {
return true; // Found
return false; // Not found
int main() {
// Create a large file for testing (optional)
SDL_RWops* LargeFile{SDL_RWFromFile(
"largefile.txt", "wb")};
for (int i{0}; i < 10000; ++i) {
"This is a test file. ", 1, 21);
SDL_RWwrite(LargeFile, "FindMe", 1, 6);
for (int i{0}; i < 10000; ++i) {
". This is a test file", 1, 21);
// Search for "FindMe"
if (SearchFile("largefile.txt", "FindMe", 6)) {
std::cout << "Found!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "Not found.\n";
return 0;
until the end of the file is reached (SDL_RWread()
returns 0
to check if the search term starts at the current position.true
.If the data in the file is sorted based on the value you're searching for, you can use a binary search algorithm.
This is much more efficient than a sequential search, as it allows you to eliminate half of the remaining search space with each step.
To perform a binary search, you'll need to know the size of each record (entry) in the file. Then, you can use SDL_RWseek()
to jump to specific positions in the file and read the data at those positions.
For very large files or frequent searches, you might consider creating an index file. An index is a separate file that stores the positions (offsets) of specific records or data within the main file.
For example, if you have a large file of player records and you frequently need to look up players by their ID, you could create an index file that maps player IDs to their positions in the main file.
To find a player, you would first search the index file (which is typically much smaller and can be loaded into memory or searched efficiently), find the position of the player's record in the main file, and then use SDL_RWseek()
to jump directly to that position and read the record.
Another advanced technique is to use memory mapping, which allows you to map a file to a region of memory. This way, you can access the file's contents as if it were an array in memory, and the operating system takes care of loading the necessary portions of the file on demand.
SDL doesn't provide direct support for memory mapping, but you can use platform-specific functions like mmap()
on Linux/macOS or CreateFileMapping()
on Windows.
The best approach for searching a large file depends on factors like:
For simple, infrequent searches, a sequential search with buffering might be sufficient. For sorted data, a binary search can be very efficient.
For frequent searches or complex data structures, indexing or memory mapping might be more suitable.
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Learn how to manipulate the read/write offset of an SDL_RWops
object to control stream interactions.