Ending and Restarting Games

Adding a Hint Feature

Is it possible to add a "hint" feature that reveals a safe cell?

Abstract art representing computer programming

Absolutely! Adding a hint feature to reveal a safe cell is a great way to enhance the gameplay experience, especially for beginners or when players are stuck. Let's implement this feature step by step:

1. Modifying the MinesweeperGrid Class

First, we'll add a method to our MinesweeperGrid class to find and reveal a safe cell:

// Minesweeper/Grid.h
class MinesweeperGrid {
  // ... existing code ...
  bool RevealHint();

  // ... existing code ...
  std::vector<MinesweeperCell*> GetSafeCells();

2. Implementing the Hint Logic

Now, let's implement the RevealHint method:

// Minesweeper/Grid.cpp
#include <random>

bool MinesweeperGrid::RevealHint() {
  auto SafeCells = GetSafeCells();
  if (SafeCells.empty()) {
    return false; // No safe cells left

  // Randomly select a safe cell
  std::random_device              rd;
  std::mt19937                    gen(rd());
  std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(
    0, SafeCells.size() - 1);
  int randomIndex = dis(gen);

  return true;

MinesweeperGrid::GetSafeCells() {
  std::vector<MinesweeperCell*> SafeCells;
  for (auto& Cell : Children) {
    if (!Cell.GetHasBomb()
      && !Cell.IsCleared()) {
  return SafeCells;

3. Adding a Hint Button

Let's add a hint button to our UI:

// Minesweeper/UI.h
#include "Minesweeper/HintButton.h"

class MinesweeperUI {
  // ... existing code ...

  MinesweeperGrid Grid;
  NewGameButton   NewGameBtn;
  HintButton      HintBtn; 

4. Implementing the HintButton Class

Now, let's create the HintButton class:

// Minesweeper/HintButton.h
#pragma once
#include "Engine/Button.h"
#include "Engine/Text.h"
#include "Minesweeper/Grid.h"

class HintButton : public Engine::Button {
  HintButton(int     x, int y, int w, int h,
    MinesweeperGrid& grid)
    : Button{ x, y, w, h },
      Text{ x, y, w, h, "HINT", {}, 20 },
      Grid{ grid } {}

  void Render(SDL_Surface* Surface) override {

  void HandleLeftClick() override {
    if (Grid.RevealHint()) {
      // Hint was successful
    } else {
      // No safe cells left

  Engine::Text     Text;
  MinesweeperGrid& Grid;

5. Updating the UI Constructor

Finally, let's update the MinesweeperUI constructor to include the new hint button:

// Minesweeper/UI.cpp
  : Grid{ Config::PADDING, Config::PADDING },
      Config::GRID_HEIGHT + Config::PADDING * 2,
      (Config::WINDOW_WIDTH - Config::PADDING *
        3) / 2,
      Config::FOOTER_HEIGHT - Config::PADDING
      Config::PADDING * 2 + (
        - Config::PADDING * 3) / 2,
      Config::GRID_HEIGHT + Config::PADDING * 2,
      (Config::WINDOW_WIDTH - Config::PADDING *
        3) / 2,
      Config::FOOTER_HEIGHT - Config::PADDING,
      Grid } {}

With these changes, we've added a hint feature to our Minesweeper game. Players can now click the "HINT" button to reveal a safe cell when they're stuck. The button will change color to indicate success or failure (when no safe cells are left).

Remember to update your event handling in the MinesweeperUI class to include the new HintButton:

void MinesweeperUI::HandleEvent(
  const SDL_Event& E) {

This hint feature adds an extra layer of interactivity and assistance to your Minesweeper game, making it more accessible to players of all skill levels.

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