Implementing image tiling for large game maps is a common technique in 2D games. It allows you to create vast, detailed environments using a relatively small set of tile images. Here's how you can implement this using SDL2:
The idea is to create a grid where each cell represents a tile. Each tile is an image that can be reused multiple times across the map. This approach is memory-efficient and allows for easy map editing.
Let's create a simple tilemap system:
#include <SDL.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Tilemap {
Tilemap(SDL_Renderer* Renderer,
const char* TilesetPath,
int TileWidth,
int TileHeight, int MapWidth,
int MapHeight)
: Renderer{Renderer},
MapHeight{MapHeight} {
SDL_Surface* Surface{
if (!Surface) {
// Handle error
Tileset = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(
Renderer, Surface);
SDL_QueryTexture(Tileset, nullptr, nullptr,
TilesPerRow = TilesetWidth / TileWidth;
// Initialize map with empty
// tiles (represented by -1)
std::vector<int>(MapWidth, -1));
void SetTile(int X, int Y, int TileIndex) {
if (X >= 0 && X < MapWidth && Y >= 0 && Y <
MapHeight) { Map[Y][X] = TileIndex; }
void Render(int CameraX, int CameraY) {
int StartX{CameraX / TileWidth};
int StartY{CameraY / TileHeight};
int EndX{
StartX + (ScreenWidth / TileWidth) + 1};
int EndY{
StartY + (ScreenHeight / TileHeight) + 1};
for (int Y{StartY}; Y < EndY && Y <
MapHeight; ++Y) {
for (int X{StartX}; X < EndX && X <
MapWidth; ++X) {
int TileIndex{Map[Y][X]};
if (TileIndex >= 0) {
SDL_Rect SrcRect{
(TileIndex % TilesPerRow) * TileWidth,
(TileIndex / TilesPerRow) * TileHeight,
SDL_Rect DestRect{
X * TileWidth - CameraX,
Y * TileHeight - CameraY,
TileWidth, TileHeight};
SDL_RenderCopy(Renderer, Tileset,
&SrcRect, &DestRect);
~Tilemap() { SDL_DestroyTexture(Tileset); }
SDL_Renderer* Renderer;
SDL_Texture* Tileset;
int TileWidth, TileHeight;
int TilesetWidth, TilesetHeight;
int TilesPerRow;
int MapWidth, MapHeight;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> Map;
// Adjust as needed
static const int ScreenWidth{800};
static const int ScreenHeight{600};
To use this class in your main game loop:
int main() {
// SDL initialization code...
Tilemap GameMap{
Renderer, "tileset.bmp", 32, 32, 100, 100};
// Set up the map
for (int Y{0}; Y < 100; ++Y) {
for (int X{0}; X < 100; ++X) {
// Example: checkerboard pattern
GameMap.SetTile(X, Y, (X + Y) % 2);
int CameraX{0}, CameraY{0};
bool Running{true};
while (Running) {
// Handle events, update camera position...
GameMap.Render(CameraX, CameraY);
// SDL cleanup code...
This implementation creates a tilemap where each tile is 32x32 pixels, and the map is 100x100 tiles. The Render
function only draws the tiles that are currently visible on the screen, which is crucial for performance with large maps.
Remember to handle potential errors when loading images and creating textures. Also, ensure your tileset image is designed with tiles placed in a grid for easy indexing.
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Learn how to load, display, and optimize image rendering in your applications