Loading and Displaying Images

Handling Different Image Resolutions

How do I handle different image resolutions for various screen sizes?

Abstract art representing computer programming

Handling different image resolutions for various screen sizes is a common challenge in game development. Here's a practical approach using SDL2.

Scaling Images

One way to handle different resolutions is to scale your images at runtime. You can use SDL_BlitScaled() instead of SDL_BlitSurface() to achieve this. Here's how you might modify our Image class to support scaling:

#include <SDL.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Image {
  Image(std::string File,
        SDL_PixelFormat* PreferredFormat =
    : ImageSurface{SDL_LoadBMP(File.c_str())} {
    // Constructor code remains the same

  void Render(SDL_Surface* DestinationSurface,
              SDL_Rect* DestRect = nullptr) {
    SDL_BlitScaled(ImageSurface, nullptr,

  // Rest of the class remains unchanged

int main() {
  SDL_Window* window = SDL_CreateWindow(
    SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 800, 600, 0);
  SDL_Surface* screenSurface =

  Image img{
    "example.bmp", screenSurface->format};

  // Scale to half the window size
  SDL_Rect destRect{0, 0, 400, 300};
  img.Render(screenSurface, &destRect);


  return 0;

Responsive Design

For a more responsive approach, you can calculate the scaling factor based on the screen size:

float scaleX = static_cast<float>(screenWidth) /
float scaleY = static_cast<float>(screenHeight)
  / originalImageHeight;
float scale = std::min(scaleX, scaleY);
// Maintain aspect ratio

int newWidth = static_cast<int>(
  originalImageWidth * scale);
int newHeight = static_cast<int>(
  originalImageHeight * scale);

SDL_Rect destRect{
  // Center horizontally
  (screenWidth - newWidth) / 2,
  // Center vertically
  (screenHeight - newHeight) / 2,
  newWidth, newHeight};

This approach scales the image to fit the screen while maintaining its aspect ratio.

Remember, scaling images at runtime can be computationally expensive. For better performance, consider pre-scaling your images for common resolutions and loading the appropriate one at runtime.

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