Handling saves in multiplayer games requires careful consideration of authority and synchronization. Here's how it's typically managed:
First, establish which instance of the game has authority over each object:
class GameObject {
int OwnerId; // Player with authority
Vector2 Position;
bool IsDirty; // Track if object needs saving
bool HasAuthority(int PlayerId) const {
return PlayerId == OwnerId;
void UpdatePosition(const Vector2& NewPos,
int RequestingPlayer) {
if (HasAuthority(RequestingPlayer)) {
Position = NewPos;
IsDirty = true;
BroadcastUpdate(); // Tell other players
When multiple players can modify an object, implement conflict resolution:
struct Modification {
int PlayerId;
int ObjectId;
// Use server time for consistency
int Timestamp;
Vector2 NewPosition;
class ConflictResolver {
void HandleModification(
const Modification& Mod
) {
auto& Object = GetObject(Mod.ObjectId);
if (Mod.Timestamp > Object.LastModified) {
// Accept newer modification
Object.Position = Mod.NewPosition;
Object.LastModified = Mod.Timestamp;
In most cases, the authoritative server handles saving:
class GameServer {
std::unordered_map<int, GameObject> Objects;
void SaveGameState() {
GameState State;
for (const auto& [Id, Object] : Objects) {
if (Object.IsDirty) {
if (!State.ModifiedObjects.empty()) {
This approach ensures consistency and prevents cheating, while maintaining responsive gameplay.
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Learn techniques for managing game data, including save systems, configuration, and networked multiplayer.