To create smooth mouse following, we need to implement interpolation between the current object position and the mouse position. Here's how to create a smoothly-following object:
#include <SDL.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "Window.h"
class FollowingObject {
void Tick() {
// Get current mouse position
int MouseX, MouseY;
SDL_GetMouseState(&MouseX, &MouseY);
// Calculate distance to mouse
float DX = MouseX - X;
float DY = MouseY - Y;
// Move towards mouse with smooth interpolation
// Adjust for different follow speeds
float Speed = 0.1f;
X += DX * Speed;
Y += DY * Speed;
// Round to nearest pixel for display
int DisplayX{
int DisplayY{
std::cout << "Object position: ("
<< DisplayX << ", " << DisplayY
<< ") Mouse: (" << MouseX
<< ", " << MouseY << ")\n";
// Using floats for smooth movement
float X{0.0f};
float Y{0.0f};
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Window GameWindow;
FollowingObject Follower;
SDL_Event E;
while (true) {
while (SDL_PollEvent(&E)) {
// Handle other events...
return 0;
Object position: (50, 60) Mouse: (100, 100)
Object position: (55, 64) Mouse: (100, 100)
Object position: (59, 67) Mouse: (100, 100)
Object position: (63, 70) Mouse: (100, 100)
The smooth following is achieved through linear interpolation (lerp). Each frame, we:
)For even smoother movement, you can implement:
#include <SDL.h>
class AdvancedFollower {
void Tick() {
int MouseX, MouseY;
SDL_GetMouseState(&MouseX, &MouseY);
// Get frame time for consistent speed
float DeltaTime = GetDeltaTime();
// Calculate spring physics
float SpringStrength = 8.0f;
float Damping = 0.8f;
// Update velocity
VelocityX += (MouseX - X)
* SpringStrength * DeltaTime;
VelocityY += (MouseY - Y)
* SpringStrength * DeltaTime;
// Apply damping
VelocityX *= Damping;
VelocityY *= Damping;
// Update position
X += VelocityX * DeltaTime;
Y += VelocityY * DeltaTime;
float X{0.0f}, Y{0.0f};
float VelocityX{0.0f}, VelocityY{0.0f};
float GetDeltaTime() {
static Uint32 LastTime = SDL_GetTicks();
Uint32 CurrentTime = SDL_GetTicks();
float DeltaTime = (CurrentTime - LastTime)
/ 1000.0f;
LastTime = CurrentTime;
return DeltaTime;
This version adds spring physics and velocity for more natural movement. You can adjust SpringStrength
and Damping
to change the following behavior.
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Learn how to monitor mouse position and button states in real-time using SDL's state query functions