Handling Keyboard Input

SDL_KeyboardEvent Structure

What is the purpose of the SDL_KeyboardEvent structure?

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The SDL_KeyboardEvent structure in SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) is used to represent keyboard events, such as key presses and releases.

This structure provides detailed information about the keyboard event, making it easier to handle user input in your applications.

Structure Definition

The SDL_KeyboardEvent structure is defined in the SDL library and contains several important fields:

  • type: The type of event (SDL_KEYDOWN or SDL_KEYUP).
  • timestamp: The timestamp of the event.
  • windowID: The ID of the window that received the event.
  • state: The state of the key (SDL_PRESSED or SDL_RELEASED).
  • repeat: Indicates if the key event is a repeat (non-zero for repeat events).
  • keysym: A structure containing details about the key pressed, including the key code and modifiers.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use the SDL_KeyboardEvent structure to handle key presses and releases:

#include <SDL.h>
#include <iostream>

void HandleKeyboard(SDL_KeyboardEvent& E) {
  if (E.state == SDL_PRESSED) {
    std::cout << "Key Pressed: "
              << SDL_GetKeyName(E.keysym.sym)
              << '\n';
  } else if (E.state == SDL_RELEASED) {
    std::cout << "Key Released: "
              << SDL_GetKeyName(E.keysym.sym)
              << '\n';

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  SDL_Window* window = SDL_CreateWindow(
    "Keyboard Event Example",
    100, 100, 800, 600, 0

  SDL_Event Event;
  while (true) {
    while (SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) {
      if (Event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN ||
          Event.type == SDL_KEYUP) {

  return 0;
Key Pressed: A
Key Released: A

Key Fields Explained

  • type: This field helps you determine whether the event is a key press or a key release.
  • state: Indicates whether the key is pressed or released.
  • repeat: This field is useful to identify if the key event is a result of the key being held down.
  • keysym: Contains detailed information about the key, including the key code (sym) and any modifier keys that are pressed.


The SDL_KeyboardEvent structure is essential for handling keyboard input in SDL applications. It provides comprehensive information about each key event, allowing you to create responsive and interactive applications.

By using the fields within SDL_KeyboardEvent, you can accurately detect and respond to user input, whether it's a single key press or a combination of keys.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Handling Keyboard Input

Learn how to detect and respond to keyboard input events in your SDL-based applications. This lesson covers key events, key codes, and modifier keys.

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Handling Keyboard Input

Learn how to detect and respond to keyboard input events in your SDL-based applications. This lesson covers key events, key codes, and modifier keys.

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