Every non-trivial game needs to represent positions in at least two different ways: where things are in the game world, and where they appear on the player's screen.
These different representation systems are called the world space and the screen space, and converting between them is a core skill in game development. In this lesson, we'll explore some of the main reasons why we need to work across multiple spaces, and how to transform our objects between them.
We’ll be using the Vec2
struct we created earlier in the course. A complete version of it is available below:
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
struct Vec2 {
float x;
float y;
float GetLength() const {
return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
float GetDistance(const Vec2& Other) const {
return (*this - Other).GetLength();
Vec2 Normalize() const {
return *this / GetLength();
Vec2 operator*(float Multiplier) const {
return Vec2{x * Multiplier, y * Multiplier};
Vec2 operator/(float Divisor) const {
if (Divisor == 0.0f) { return Vec2{0, 0}; }
return Vec2{x / Divisor, y / Divisor};
Vec2& operator*=(float Multiplier) {
x *= Multiplier;
y *= Multiplier;
return *this;
Vec2& operator/=(float Divisor) {
if (Divisor == 0.0f) { return *this; }
x /= Divisor;
y /= Divisor;
return *this;
Vec2 operator+(const Vec2& Other) const {
return Vec2{x + Other.x, y + Other.y};
Vec2 operator-(const Vec2& Other) const {
return *this + (-Other);
Vec2& operator+=(const Vec2& Other) {
x += Other.x;
y += Other.y;
return *this;
Vec2& operator-=(const Vec2& Other) {
return *this += (-Other);
Vec2 operator-() const {
return Vec2{-x, -y};
inline Vec2 operator*(float M, const Vec2& V) {
return V * M;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& Stream, const Vec2& V) {
Stream << "{ x = " << V.x
<< ", y = " << V.y << " }";
return Stream;
Previously, we’ve been creating and managing our objects in screen space. Screen space is the coordinate system we use to position objects on the player’s screen.
Our screen has been represented using the SDL_Surface
corresponding to the SDL_Window
where our game has been running. This surface configures the space it manages such that the top left corner is the origin, with increasing x
values moving right and increasing y
values moving down.
The space looks like with, with an example position highlighted:
When we start building more complex projects, this approach of programming everything in screen space has a few problems. For example:
, we need to increase the y
value, which isn’t intuitive.Predictably, the space containing all the objects of our world, even when they’re not on the screen, is called the world space.
Most of our positioning and simulation are done within a coordinate system called the world space. When we create our game levels and worlds, the objects we position within them are in this world space.
We’re free to set this space up in whatever way is most convenient for the game we’re making. In 2D games, our world space typically uses an x
dimension where increasing values correspond to moving right, and a y
coordinate where increasing the value corresponds to moving up. In a 3D world space, the third dimension is typically labeled z
and is perpendicular to both x
and y
In addition to choosing a coordinate system for our space, we also need to choose where the origin is - that is, what the x = 0
, y = 0
position represents. A popular choice is to set up our space such that the origin represents the center of the world:
We can adjust our coordinate system and origin as needed based on the type of game and our preferences. For 2D games in particular, we typically don’t change the coordinate system from the previous example, but it may be more convenient to change what the origin position, represents.
We can adjust our coordinate system and origin as needed based on the type of game and our preferences. For 2D games in particular, we typically maintain the coordinate system (with increasing to the right and increasing upward) from the previous example, but it may be more convenient to change what the origin position represents.
For example, we could define the origin such that x = 0
aligns with the left edge of our level and for y = 0
to align with the bottom edge:
This is slightly less efficient as it means we won’t be using the "negative" range of our numeric types. However, that rarely matters for small levels, and not having to deal with negative numbers can make our lives slightly easier.
Even though our objects are positioned in world space, the point of our game is ultimately to render those objects onto the player’s screen. So, we need some way to transform objects from their world space position to the corresponding screen space position.
This can be a challenge, as our spaces typically have different properties. There are three properties in particular where our spaces can differ:
In most games, the world space and screen space differ across all three of these properties.
Later in this chapter, we’ll work with examples where our spaces are dynamically defined. For now, let’s work with a fixed example so we can establish the basics. We’ll imagine our world space looks like this:
The key properties are:
dimension is horizontal, where increasing values correspond to moving righty
dimension is vertical, where increasing values correspond to moving upOur screen space is the SDL_Surface
associated with an SDL_Window
. We’ll imagine the space looks like this:
The key properties are:
dimension has the same meaning as the world space - it is horizontal, where increasing values correspond to moving righty
dimension is also vertical, but increasing values correspond to moving down rather than upLater, we'll render our characters as images, so we'll represent the characters' positions at their top left corners. This corresponds to the x
and y
values we'd use in our SDL_Rect
that controls where the image is blitted.
Despite our spaces being defined differently, we need our objects to be positioned in a visually consistent way across both spaces. That means we need to define logic that updates the x
and y
coordinates of an object in world space to what their equivalent values would be in screen space.
The following shows the start and end point of that process with two example objects - a dwarf and a dragon character:
The challenge is determining what transformation logic to use, given how our screen space properties (coordinate system, size, and origin) differ from the world space properties.
Based on the properties we listed above for our example world and screen spaces, the transformation needs to:
coordinates to account for the screen space’s y
axis pointing in the opposite direction to the world space’s y axis.y
coordinates by 300 units (the height of the screen space) to account for the origin being at the top left of our screen space, rather than the bottom left. Given increasing y
values corresponds to moving down in screen space, this step of our transformation will move (or "translate") our vectors down.Let’s walk through this visually so we can better understand the logic we need to implement. First, let’s just place our characters in screen space, but using their world space coordinates without transformation. This helps us see the problem we need to solve:
The horizontal position of our dwarf has shifted slightly, whilst our dragon is not even on the screen.
Let’s apply the first step of our transformation, multiplying all of the position vectors by . This scales them down to half of their current value, which is equivalent to moving them closer to the origin:
For step 2, we negate our objects’ vertical positions by multiplying their positions by . This moves them above the desired range and out of view, but we’ve made some progress - their positions relative to each other are now correct:
Finally, we perform step 3 of our transformation. We increase their components by which, in the screen space coordinate system, corresponds to moving the objects down by 300 units*.* This places our objects in their final, correct position:
Implementing our transformation in code could look like this:
Vec2 ToScreenSpace(const Vec2& Position) {
Vec2 ReturnValue{Position};
// 1: Scale every component by 50%
ReturnValue *= 0.5;
// 2: Invert the y component
ReturnValue.y *= -1;
// 3. Increase the y component. This
// corresponds to moving objects downwards
// in the screen space
ReturnValue.y += 300;
return ReturnValue;
Or, equivalently:
Vec2 ToScreenSpace(const Vec2& Pos) {
return {
Pos.x * 0.5f,
(Pos.y * -0.5f) + 300
Note that the ordering here is important. If we translated the vectors (step 3) before scaling and inverting the y
axis (steps 1 and 2), then that translation would be done within the world space’s definition of y
We can order it in that way if we want, but it means that our translation logic would need to be adjusted. For our example spaces, we could move objects down by equivalent amounts either by decreasing y
values by 600 units in world space or by increasing y
values by 300 units in screen space.
Whichever approach we use, we can transform some test points to ensure our logic is correctly mapping world space positions to equivalent screen space positions:
#include <iostream>
#include "Vec2.h"
Vec2 ToScreenSpace(Vec2&) {/*...*/}
int main() {
// A position in the center of
// the 1400x600 world space...
Vec2 P{700.0, 300.0};
// ...transformed to the center
// of the 700x300 screen space
std::cout << "[SCREEN SPACE]";
std::cout << "\nCenter: "
<< ToScreenSpace(P);
std::cout << "\nBottom Left: "
<< ToScreenSpace({0, 0});
std::cout << "\nTop Left: "
<< ToScreenSpace({0, 600});
std::cout << "\nBottom Right: "
<< ToScreenSpace({1400, 0});
std::cout << "\nTop Right: "
<< ToScreenSpace({1400, 600});
Center: { x = 350, y = 150 }
Bottom Left: { x = 0, y = 300 }
Top Left: { x = 0, y = 0 }
Bottom Right: { x = 700, y = 300 }
Top Right: { x = 700, y = 0 }
In higher budget games, these transformations tend to be implemented using transformation matrices and matrix multiplication - concepts from linear algebra. Linear algebra is the formal field of mathematics that studies vectors, spaces, and their transformations.
The linear algebra approach is more advanced, so we don’t cover it in detail in this course - we’ll continue to perform our transformations using regular C++ logic.
However, we’ll briefly introduce the alternative approach in this section, and we’ll also provide an additional, optional, lesson at the end of the chapter that goes a little deeper. That additional lesson will also implement these concepts using help from GLM, a popular library that provides math utilities for working with computer graphics.
The objectives and underlying theory of why we’re performing the transformations remain the same whichever approach we use - they key difference is the low-level mechanics of how the transformation is performed. Rather than creating a function to define the transformation, we can instead define a matrix - a two-dimensional grid of numbers that represents the transformation mathematically.
For example, we created a ToScreenSpace()
function in the previous section, which defines a 2D transformation. It also provides the mechanism to perform that transformation - by calling the function with a position vector:
// Define the transformation
Vec2 ToScreenSpace(const Vec2& Pos) {
return {
Pos.x * 0.5f,
(Pos.y * -0.5f) + 300
// Perform the transformation
ToScreenSpace({700.0, 300.0});
That same transformation can be defined using a matrix as follows:
We typically use a math library that help with this, ensuring the desired transformation is correctly represented by positioning appropriate values in appropriate positions within the matrix. We’ll cover this in more detail in our later lesson.
We can use this matrix to transform individual vectors, or we can arrange many vectors into a single matrix, where each vector is a column.
To make our vectors compatible with the transformation process, we need to add an additional component to them. So, for a 2D vector, we’d add a third component. This component has a value of if the vector represents a position and otherwise.
The five vectors we transformed in our previous example could be arranged in the following matrix:
Performing the transformation is then done by a matrix multiplication, a process that we again typically enlist the help of 3rd party library to implement, and we’ll cover in more detail later.
Matrix transformation involves multiplying our transformation matrix by the matrix of column vectors we want to transform:
The result of this multiplication is a matrix where each of our column vectors has been transformed:
Comparing this to our earlier program using the ToScreenSpace()
function, we should see both approaches have the same effect:
Positions World Space -> Screen Space
Center: (700, 300) -> (350, 150)
Bottom Left: (0, 0) -> (0, 300)
Top Left: (0, 600) -> (0, 0)
Bottom Right: (1400, 0) -> (700, 300)
Top Right: (1400, 600) -> (700, 0)
The matrix approach has a few advantages:
In more complex games, objects are typically simulated in the world space, which has different properties to the screen space. To render our object, we need to derive their screen space position based on their world space position. The key takeaways from this lesson are:
Learn to implement coordinate space conversions in C++ to position game objects correctly on screen.
Learn C++ and SDL development by creating hands on, practical projects inspired by classic retro games