Unions and std::variant

How can I define a recursive variant type?

Is it possible to have a variant that contains a type that itself contains the same variant type? How would I define such a recursive variant?

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Yes, it is possible to define a variant that contains a type that itself contains the same variant type. This is known as a recursive variant. However, because variants must have a fixed size, you can't directly include a variant as one of its own alternative types.

Instead, you need to wrap the recursive variant in a type that allows for dynamic allocation, such as std::unique_ptr or std::vector.

Here's an example of a recursive variant that represents a simple expression tree:

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <variant>

struct Expr;
using ExprPtr = std::unique_ptr<Expr>;

struct Expr {
    int, // integer literal
    std::string, // variable name

    // unary operation
    std::pair<char, ExprPtr>,

    // binary operation
    std::tuple<ExprPtr, char, ExprPtr>
  > value;

In this example, Expr is a struct that contains a variant value. The variant can hold an integer literal, a variable name (string), a unary operation (a character and a pointer to another Expr), or a binary operation (two pointers to Exprs and a character).

Here's how you could use this Expr type:

Expr makeIntegral(int i) {
  Expr e;
  e.value = i;
  return e;

Expr makeVariable(std::string name) {
  Expr e;
  e.value = std::move(name);
  return e;

Expr makeUnary(char op, Expr arg) {
  Expr e;
  e.value = std::make_pair(
    op, std::make_unique<Expr>(std::move(arg)));
  return e;

Expr makeBinary(Expr left, char op, Expr right) {
  Expr e;
  e.value = std::make_tuple(
  return e;

// Example usage
Expr exampleExpr = makeBinary(
  makeUnary('-', makeVariable("x")),

This creates an Expr that represents the expression -x + 42.

The key points are:

  1. Use a smart pointer like std::unique_ptr to allow for recursive containment without requiring a fixed size.
  2. Wrap the variant in a struct or class to allow for a named recursive type.
  3. Use constructor functions (like makeIntegral, makeUnary etc in the example) to simplify the creation of complex recursive variants.

Recursive variants are a powerful tool for representing tree-like data structures in a type-safe way. They are often used in parsers, abstract syntax trees, and similar hierarchical data structures.

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