Static Class Variables and Functions

Initialization Order of Static Variables

How does C++ handle the initialization order of static variables in different translation units?

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In C++, the initialization order of static variables in different translation units is not guaranteed. This can lead to subtle and hard-to-debug issues if one static variable depends on another for its initialization.

Translation Units and Initialization Order

A translation unit is essentially a .cpp file and all the headers it includes. Each translation unit is compiled independently, and the initialization of static variables within them happens before main() is called.

However, the order in which these initializations occur across different translation units is unspecified. The C++ standard does not define a specific order for these initializations, which means it can vary between different compilers or even different runs of the same program.

Here’s an example:

// file1.cpp
#include <iostream>

extern int y;
int x = y + 1;

int main() {
  std::cout << "x: " << x << "\n"; 
  std::cout << "y: " << y << "\n"; 
// file2.cpp
int y = 5;

The output of this program is unpredictable because the initialization order of x and y is not defined.

Solving Initialization Order Issues

Singleton Pattern: Using the Singleton pattern can ensure that a static variable is initialized when it is first accessed, thus controlling the initialization order.

#include <iostream>

class Singleton {
  static Singleton& getInstance() {
    static Singleton instance;
    return instance;

  int value = 42;

int main() {
  std::cout << "Singleton value: "
    << Singleton::getInstance().value;  
Singleton value: 42

Function Scope Statics: Define the static variable inside a function to ensure it is initialized the first time the function is called.

#include <iostream>

int& getStaticVariable() {
  static int value = 10;
  return value;

int main() {
  std::cout << "Static Variable: "
    << getStaticVariable();  
Static Variable: 10

Explicit Initialization Functions: Use explicit initialization functions to control the order manually.

#include <iostream>

int y;
int x;

void initialize() {
  y = 5;
  x = y + 1;

int main() {
  std::cout << "x: " << x << "\n"; 
  std::cout << "y: " << y << "\n"; 
x: 6
y: 5


  • The initialization order of static variables across translation units is not guaranteed.
  • This can lead to unpredictable behavior if one static variable depends on another.
  • Techniques such as the Singleton pattern, function scope statics, and explicit initialization functions can help manage and control the initialization order.

By understanding and managing the initialization order, you can avoid potential pitfalls and ensure your program behaves as expected.

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