Mutable Class Members

Mutable and Thread Safety

How does the mutable keyword affect thread safety?

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The mutable keyword can impact thread safety in C++ in several ways, primarily when it comes to managing synchronization mechanisms within const member functions. Here's how mutable interacts with thread safety:

1. Synchronization Primitives

When working with multi-threaded applications, you often need to protect shared resources with synchronization primitives like mutexes. Using mutable allows these synchronization objects to be modified even within const member functions.

#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>

class ThreadSafeCounter {
  void Increment() const {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);  

  int GetCount() const {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);  
    return count;

  mutable int count{0};      
  mutable std::mutex mutex;  

int main() {
  ThreadSafeCounter counter;
  std::cout << "Counter: " << counter.GetCount();
Counter: 1

In this example, mutable allows the mutex and count variables to be modified inside const methods, ensuring that the data access is thread-safe.

2. Logical Constness

When using mutable in the context of thread safety, you maintain the logical constness of the class. Even though some internal state (like a mutex) changes, the logical state from an external perspective remains consistent.

3. Avoiding Data Races

By using mutable with synchronization primitives, you prevent data races without compromising the const correctness of your methods. This ensures that your multi-threaded code remains safe and efficient.


  • Correct Usage: While mutable helps with thread safety, it should be used carefully. Misuse can lead to bugs and unexpected behaviors if you inadvertently modify other parts of the object's state in const methods.
  • Performance: Be mindful of the performance impact of using synchronization mechanisms. While mutable allows thread-safe modifications, locking and unlocking mutexes can add overhead, so use them judiciously.

In conclusion, mutable can be a valuable tool for maintaining thread safety in C++ by allowing necessary modifications to synchronization primitives within const member functions.

However, it requires careful consideration to ensure it does not introduce unintended side effects or performance issues.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Mutable Class Members

An introduction to the mutable keyword, which gives us more flexibility when working with const objects.

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Mutable Class Members

An introduction to the mutable keyword, which gives us more flexibility when working with const objects.

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