Creating Custom Iterators using C++20 Concepts

Overloading Operators for Custom Iterators

Which operators should I overload for my custom iterator in C++?

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For a custom iterator in C++, you typically need to overload several operators to ensure it behaves correctly in various contexts. The essential operators to overload include:

  1. Dereference Operator *: Allows access to the element the iterator points to.
  2. Increment Operator ++: Moves the iterator to the next element.
  3. Equality Operator ==: Compares two iterators for equality.
  4. Inequality Operator !=: Compares two iterators for inequality.
  5. Postfix Increment Operator ++(int): Differentiated by an int parameter to distinguish it from the prefix increment.

Here’s an example implementation for a custom Iterator class:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>

class Player {
  std::string Name;

class Party {
  Party(Player A, Player B, Player C)
    : A{A}, B{B}, C{C} {}

  Player A, B, C;

  class Iterator {
    using iterator_category
      = std::forward_iterator_tag;
    using value_type = Player;
    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
    using pointer = Player*;
    using reference = Player&;

    Iterator(Party* ptr = nullptr, size_t idx = 0) 
      : Party(ptr), idx(idx) {}

    Player& operator*() const {
      if (idx == 0) return Party->A;
      if (idx == 1) return Party->B;
      if (idx == 2) return Party->C;
      throw std::out_of_range("Invalid index");

    Player* operator->() const {
      return &**this;

    Iterator& operator++() {
      return *this;

    Iterator operator++(int) {
      Iterator tmp = *this;
      return tmp;

    bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
      return Party == other.Party && idx == other.idx;

    bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
      return !(*this == other);

    size_t idx;
    Party* Party;

  Iterator begin() { return Iterator(this, 0); }
  Iterator end() { return Iterator(this, 3); }

int main() {
  Party party{Player{"Anna"},
    Player{"Bob"}, Player{"Cara"}};

  for (Player& p : party) {
    std::cout << p.Name << ", ";

  auto it = party.begin();
  std::cout << '\n' << (it++)->Name;  
  std::cout << '\n' << (it++)->Name;  
  std::cout << '\n' << it->Name;      
Anna, Bob, Cara,


  • Dereference Operator *: Returns a reference to the Player object the iterator points to.
  • Prefix Increment Operator ++: Advances the iterator by incrementing the index.
  • Postfix Increment Operator ++(int): Similar to the prefix version but returns the iterator's state before the increment.
  • Equality and Inequality Operators (==, !=): Compare iterators based on their pointers and indices.

Overloading these operators ensures that your custom iterator can be used in standard C++ idioms, such as range-based for loops and algorithms from the Standard Library.

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