Perfect Forwarding and std::forward

Perfect Forwarding and Overload Resolution

How does perfect forwarding affect overload resolution when forwarding arguments to a function with multiple overloads?

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Perfect forwarding using std::forward() can have an impact on overload resolution when forwarding arguments to a function with multiple overloads. The forwarded arguments maintain their value category and const-ness, which can influence which overload gets selected.

Consider the following example:

#include <iostream>

void process_data(int& x) {
  std::cout << "process_data(int&): "
    << x << "\n";

void process_data(const int& x) {
  std::cout << "process_data(const int&): "
    << x << "\n";

void process_data(int&& x) {
  std::cout << "process_data(int&&): "
    << x << "\n";

template <typename T>
void forward_data(T&& arg) {

int main() {
  int a = 10;
  const int b = 20;

process_data(int&): 10
process_data(const int&): 20
process_data(int&&): 30

In this example, process_data() has three overloads:

  1. process_data(int& x): Takes a non-const lvalue reference.
  2. process_data(const int& x): Takes a const lvalue reference.
  3. process_data(int&& x): Takes an rvalue reference.

The forward_data() function template takes a forwarding reference arg and forwards it to process_data() using std::forward<T>(arg).

When forward_data() is called with different arguments:

  1. forward_data(a): a is an lvalue, so T deduces to int&. The overload process_data(int&) is selected.
  2. forward_data(b): b is a const lvalue, so T deduces to const int&. The overload process_data(const int&) is selected.
  3. forward_data(30): 30 is an rvalue, so T deduces to int. The overload process_data(int&&) is selected.

Perfect forwarding with std::forward() ensures that the forwarded arguments maintain their value category and const-ness, allowing the appropriate overload of process_data() to be selected based on the argument type.

This demonstrates how perfect forwarding can impact overload resolution when forwarding arguments to a function with multiple overloads, enabling the selection of the most suitable overload based on the forwarded argument type.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Perfect Forwarding and std::forward

An introduction to problems that can arise when our functions forward their parameters to other functions, and how we can solve those problems with std::forward

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Perfect Forwarding and std::forward

An introduction to problems that can arise when our functions forward their parameters to other functions, and how we can solve those problems with std::forward

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