Implicit Conversions and Narrowing Casts

Memory Usage

How do implicit conversions affect memory usage in my program?

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Understanding how conversions affect memory usage is important, especially in games where performance matters. Let's break this down:

Converting to Bigger Types

When you convert a smaller type to a bigger type, you use more memory:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  // Small number types
  char SmallNumber{65};          // Uses 1 byte
  int BiggerNumber{SmallNumber}; // Uses 4 bytes

  // The computer needs extra memory to
  // store the same value!
  cout << "Original char: " << SmallNumber;
  cout << "\nAs integer: " << BiggerNumber;
Original char: A
As integer: 65

Converting to Smaller Types

Going the other way can save memory but might lose information:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  // Big number type - uses 8 bytes
  double BigDecimal{3.14159265359};

  // Uses 4 bytes
  float SmallDecimal{

  cout << "Original:  " << BigDecimal << "\n";
  cout << "Converted: " << SmallDecimal;
Original:  3.141592654
Converted: 3.141592741

Memory Usage Guidelines

Here's what to remember about conversions and memory.

Converting to bigger types:

  • Always safe - no data loss
  • Uses more memory
  • Might be slightly slower

Converting to smaller types:

  • Might lose data
  • Uses less memory
  • Usually not worth the risk just to save memory

Most of the time, you should:

  1. Choose the right type for your data from the start
  2. Don't convert just to save memory unless you're sure you need to
  3. Use uniform initialization to catch accidental conversions that might lose data

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