Relative Mouse Mode

Handling Small Movements

Why might an application ignore small movements in relative mode?

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Applications often need to ignore small movements in relative mode to handle various real-world issues like sensor noise, user tremors, or imprecise input devices. Here's a comprehensive approach to handling small movements:

#include <SDL.h>
#include <cmath>
#include "Window.h"

class MotionFilter {
  struct FilteredMotion {
    float x;
    float y;
    bool SignificantMotion;

  FilteredMotion Filter(int RawX, int RawY) {
    // Convert to floating point for
    // precise calculations
    float X{static_cast<float>(RawX)};
    float Y{static_cast<float>(RawY)};

    // Calculate magnitude of movement
    float Magnitude{std::sqrt(X * X + Y * Y)};

    // Check if movement exceeds dead zone
    bool IsSignificant{Magnitude > DeadZone};

    if (!IsSignificant) {
      return {0.0f, 0.0f, false};

    // Apply scaling to significant movements
    float Scale{
      (Magnitude - DeadZone) / Magnitude};
    return {X * Scale, Y * Scale, true};

  void SetDeadZone(float NewDeadZone) {
    DeadZone = NewDeadZone;

  float DeadZone{2.0f};

class Camera {
  void Update(SDL_MouseMotionEvent& E) {
    auto Filtered{
      Filter.Filter(E.xrel, E.yrel)};

    if (Filtered.SignificantMotion) {
      Rotation.x += Filtered.x * Sensitivity;
      Rotation.y += Filtered.y * Sensitivity;

      std::cout << "\nRaw input: "
        << E.xrel << ", " << E.yrel
        << "\nFiltered: " << Filtered.x << ", "
        << Filtered.y
        << "\nRotation: " << Rotation.x << ", "
        << Rotation.y;

  MotionFilter Filter;
  SDL_FPoint Rotation{0.0f, 0.0f};
  float Sensitivity{0.1f};

int main() {
  Window GameWindow;
  Camera Cam;

  SDL_Event E;
  while (true) {
    while (SDL_PollEvent(&E)) {
      if (E.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) {
      } else if (E.type == SDL_QUIT) {
        return 0;

Key reasons for filtering small movements:

  • Eliminate jitter from mouse sensor noise
  • Prevent unintended micro-movements from affecting gameplay
  • Improve precision for tasks requiring fine control
  • Compensate for user hand tremors
  • Reduce the impact of low-quality input devices

The dead zone approach shown above is just one method. Other techniques include:

  • Exponential scaling for more precise control
  • Averaging over time to detect intentional movement
  • Direction-based filtering for different sensitivity on each axis
  • Adaptive filtering based on movement speed

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