Reading Data from Files

Reading Files in Chunks

What's the advantage of reading a file in chunks instead of all at once?

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Reading a file in chunks instead of all at once offers several advantages, especially in game development scenarios:

  1. Memory Efficiency: Reading large files entirely into memory can consume significant resources, potentially impacting game performance. By reading in chunks, you can process large files without requiring as much memory.
  2. Responsiveness: For large files, reading the entire content at once can cause noticeable delays. Chunk-based reading allows you to process data incrementally, keeping your game responsive.
  3. Streaming: Chunk-based reading enables streaming scenarios, where you can start processing data before the entire file is read. This is crucial for audio/video playback or level loading.
  4. Progress Reporting: Reading in chunks makes it easier to implement progress bars or loading screens, as you can update the UI after each chunk is read.
  5. Error Handling: If an error occurs halfway through a large file, chunk-based reading allows you to handle it gracefully without losing all the data you've already processed.

Here's an example demonstrating chunk-based reading:

#include <SDL.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

void ReadFileInChunks(const char* filename,
                      size_t chunkSize) {
  SDL_RWops* file = SDL_RWFromFile(
    filename, "rb");
  if (!file) {
    std::cerr << "Error opening file: " <<
      SDL_GetError() << '\n';

  Sint64 fileSize = SDL_RWsize(file);
  Sint64 bytesRead = 0;
  std::vector<char> buffer(chunkSize);

  while (bytesRead < fileSize) {
    size_t bytesToRead =
        static_cast<size_t>(fileSize -
          bytesRead), chunkSize);
    size_t result = SDL_RWread(
      file,, 1, bytesToRead);

    if (result != bytesToRead) {
      std::cerr << "Error reading file: " <<
        SDL_GetError() << '\n';

    bytesRead += result;

    // Process the chunk here
    std::cout << "Read " << result <<
      " bytes. Total: " << bytesRead << "/"
      << fileSize << '\n';

    // Simulate some processing time


int main() {
  // Read in 1KB chunks
  ReadFileInChunks("large_file.dat", 1024);

  return 0;

In this example:

  1. We open the file using SDL_RWFromFile().
  2. We determine the file size using SDL_RWsize().
  3. We create a buffer for our chunks.
  4. We enter a loop, reading chunks until we've processed the entire file.
  5. After each chunk is read, we could process it (in this example, we just print progress).
  6. We use SDL_Delay() to simulate processing time, demonstrating how the program remains responsive.

This approach allows you to handle files of any size without consuming excessive memory. It's particularly useful for scenarios like:

  • Loading large game levels piece by piece
  • Streaming audio data for background music
  • Processing large data files (e.g., game analytics) without blocking the main game loop

Remember to adjust the chunk size based on your specific needs. Smaller chunks mean more frequent updates but higher overhead, while larger chunks are more efficient but may cause longer pauses between updates.

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