Pixel Density and High-DPI Displays

UI Elements and DPI

How do I handle DPI scaling for UI elements like buttons that need to stay a specific physical size?

Abstract art representing computer programming

When creating UI elements that need to maintain a consistent physical size across different DPI settings, we need to consider both scaling and positioning. Here's a comprehensive approach to DPI-aware UI elements.

Creating a Basic UI System

Let's create a simple button class that maintains physical size:

// UISystem.h
#include <SDL.h>
#include <string>
#include <functional>

float GetDPIScale(SDL_Window* Window) {/*...*/} class Button { SDL_Rect Bounds; std::string Text; // Width in screen coordinates float PhysicalWidth; // Height in screen coordinates float PhysicalHeight; public: Button( float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, const std::string& ButtonText) : PhysicalWidth{Width} , PhysicalHeight{Height} , Text{ButtonText} { Bounds.x = int(X); Bounds.y = int(Y); // Initial size without scaling UpdateSize(1.0f); } void UpdateSize(float Scale) { Bounds.w = int(PhysicalWidth * Scale); Bounds.h = int(PhysicalHeight * Scale); } void Draw(SDL_Renderer* Renderer) { // Draw button background SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( Renderer, 200, 200, 200, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(Renderer, &Bounds); // Draw border SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( Renderer, 100, 100, 100, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(Renderer, &Bounds); } bool Contains(int X, int Y) { return X >= Bounds.x && X < Bounds.x + Bounds.w && Y >= Bounds.y && Y < Bounds.y + Bounds.h; } }; class UISystem { std::vector<Button> Buttons; float CurrentScale{1.0f}; public: void AddButton( float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, const std::string& Text) { Buttons.emplace_back( X, Y, Width, Height, Text); Buttons.back().UpdateSize(CurrentScale); } void UpdateDPIScale(float NewScale) { if (CurrentScale != NewScale) { CurrentScale = NewScale; for (auto& Button : Buttons) { Button.UpdateSize(NewScale); } } } void Draw(SDL_Renderer* Renderer) { for (auto& Button : Buttons) { Button.Draw(Renderer); } } };

Using the UI System

Here's how to use this system in a real application:

// main.cpp
#include <SDL.h>
#include "UISystem.h"

int main() {

  SDL_Window* Window{
      "UI Scaling Demo",
      800, 600,

  SDL_Renderer* Renderer{

  UISystem UI;
  UI.AddButton(50, 50, 200, 60, "Click Me");
  UI.AddButton(50, 150, 200, 60, "Options");

  float Scale{GetDPIScale(Window)};

  SDL_Event E;
  bool Running{true};
  while (Running) {
    while (SDL_PollEvent(&E)) {
      if (E.type == SDL_QUIT) Running = false;
      if (E.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT) {
        if (
           E.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED
        || E.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED
        ) {
          Scale = GetDPIScale(Window);

      Renderer, 240, 240, 240, 255);



  return 0;

The key points to remember when implementing DPI-aware UI elements are:

  • Store physical sizes separately from rendered sizes
  • Update all UI elements when DPI scale changes
  • Consider input handling relative to scaled coordinates
  • Test with different DPI settings to ensure consistency

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