Parsing Data using std::string

Saving Config Changes

How could we extend the Config class to allow writing the configuration back to a file, effectively saving changes made in-game?

Abstract art representing computer programming

To enable saving the configuration back to a file, we need to add a Save() method to our Config class.

This method will do the reverse of Load(): it will take the current values of the Config object's members and write them to a file in the correct format.

Implementing Save()

Here's how we can implement the Save() method:

#include <SDL.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

class Config {
  std::string WindowTitle;
  int WindowWidth;
  int WindowHeight;
  std::vector<int> Levels;

  void Save(const std::string& Path) {
    SDL_RWops* File{SDL_RWFromFile(
      Path.c_str(), "w")};
    if (!File) {
      std::cout << "Failed to open config file "
        "for writing: " << SDL_GetError() << "\n";

    std::string Content{""};
    Content += "WINDOW_TITLE: "
      + WindowTitle + "\n";
    Content += "WINDOW_WIDTH: "
      + std::to_string(WindowWidth) + "\n";
    Content += "WINDOW_HEIGHT: "
      + std::to_string(WindowHeight) + "\n";
    Content += "LEVELS: ";
    for (size_t i{0}; i < Levels.size(); ++i) {
      Content += std::to_string(Levels[i]);
      if (i < Levels.size() - 1) {
        Content += ",";
    Content += "\n";



}; int main() { Config MyConfig; MyConfig.WindowTitle = "My Awesome Game"; MyConfig.WindowWidth = 1024; MyConfig.WindowHeight = 768; MyConfig.Levels = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; MyConfig.Save("config.txt"); }
WINDOW_TITLE: My Awesome Game
LEVELS: 1,2,3,4,5


  1. SDL_RWFromFile() for Writing: We use SDL_RWFromFile() with the "w" mode to open the file for writing. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created. If it does exist, it will be overwritten.
  2. Building the Content String: We create a std::string called Content and build it up line by line, using + to append each key-value pair. We use std::to_string() to convert numeric values to strings.
  3. SDL_RWwrite(): We use SDL_RWwrite() to write the entire Content string to the file.
  4. SDL_RWclose(): We close the file using SDL_RWclose().

Usage Example

In your game, you might modify the Config object's properties during gameplay (e.g., the player changes settings in a menu).

Then, you can call Save("config.txt") to save the updated configuration to the file, making the changes persistent across game sessions.

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