Engine Overview

Adding a Timer to Minesweeper

How can I implement a timer for the Minesweeper game?

Abstract art representing computer programming

Implementing a timer for your Minesweeper game can add an extra layer of challenge and excitement. We can use SDL's time-related functions to create a simple but effective timer. Here's how you can implement it:

Step 1: Add timer-related variables

First, let's add some variables to keep track of the time in our MinesweeperUI class:

class MinesweeperUI {
  Uint32 StartTime{0};
  Uint32 CurrentTime{0};
  bool TimerRunning{false};

  // ... (other members)

Step 2: Start the timer

We'll start the timer when the first cell is revealed. In your HandleEvent method:

void MinesweeperUI::HandleEvent(
  const SDL_Event &E) {
  if (E.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
    // ... (existing code)
    if (FirstCellRevealed && !TimerRunning) {
      StartTime = SDL_GetTicks();
      TimerRunning = true;

Step 3: Update the timer

We need to update the timer in each frame. Add this to your Update method:

void MinesweeperUI::Update() {
  if (TimerRunning) {
    CurrentTime = SDL_GetTicks() - StartTime;
  // ... (other update logic)

Step 4: Display the timer

Now, let's display the timer. We'll create a method to format the time:

std::string MinesweeperUI::FormatTime(
  Uint32 Milliseconds) {
  int Seconds = Milliseconds / 1000;
  int Minutes = Seconds / 60;
  Seconds %= 60;

  std::stringstream SS;
  SS << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2)
     << Minutes << ":" << std::setfill('0')
     << std::setw(2) << Seconds;
  return SS.str();

And use it in our Render method:

void MinesweeperUI::Render(
  SDL_Surface *Surface) {
  // ... (existing rendering code)

  std::string TimeString =
  Engine::Text TimeText{10, 10, 100, 30,

Step 5: Stop the timer

We should stop the timer when the game ends (either win or lose):

void MinesweeperUI::EndGame(bool Win) {
  TimerRunning = false;
  // ... (other end game logic)

Here's a complete example putting it all together:

#include <SDL.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include "Engine/Text.h"

class MinesweeperUI {
  void HandleEvent(const SDL_Event &E) {
    if (E.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
      // ... (existing code)
      if (FirstCellRevealed && !TimerRunning) {
        StartTime = SDL_GetTicks();
        TimerRunning = true;

  void Update() {
    if (TimerRunning) {
      CurrentTime = SDL_GetTicks() - StartTime;
    // ... (other update logic)

  void Render(SDL_Surface *Surface) {
    // ... (existing rendering code)
    std::string TimeString =
    Engine::Text TimeText{10, 10, 100, 30,

  void EndGame(bool Win) {
    TimerRunning = false;
    // ... (other end game logic)

  std::string FormatTime(Uint32 Milliseconds) {
    int Seconds = Milliseconds / 1000;
    int Minutes = Seconds / 60;
    Seconds %= 60;

    std::stringstream SS;
    SS << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2)
       << Minutes << ":" << std::setfill('0')
       << std::setw(2) << Seconds;
    return SS.str();

  Uint32 StartTime{0};
  Uint32 CurrentTime{0};
  bool TimerRunning{false};

  // ... (other members)

This implementation provides a basic timer that starts when the first cell is revealed, updates every frame, and stops when the game ends. The time is displayed in the format "MM:SS" in the top-left corner of the game window. You can adjust the position and formatting as needed to fit your game's UI design.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Engine Overview

An introduction to the generic engine classes we'll use to create the game

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Engine Overview

An introduction to the generic engine classes we'll use to create the game

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