Adding Bombs to the Minesweeper Grid

Using static_assert for Bomb Count

Why do we use static_assert() for checking the bomb count, and how does it differ from a regular runtime check?

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We use static_assert to check the bomb count because it provides compile-time checking, which offers several advantages over runtime checks. Let's explore why this is beneficial and how it differs from regular runtime checks.

Compile-time vs Runtime Checks

static_assert is evaluated during compilation, not when the program is running. This means any issues are caught before the program even runs, which can save time and prevent potential bugs from making it into the final executable.

Here's an example of how we use static_assert in our Minesweeper game:

#include <iostream>

namespace Config {
  inline constexpr int BOMB_COUNT{100};
  inline constexpr int GRID_COLUMNS{8};
  inline constexpr int GRID_ROWS{4};

    "Cannot have more bombs than cells"

int main() {
  std::cout << "Game initialized successfully!\n";

If we try to compile this with an invalid configuration, we get a compile-time error:

error: static assertion failed: Cannot have more bombs than cells

Benefits of static_assert

  1. Early Error Detection: Errors are caught during compilation, preventing invalid configurations from being built.
  2. No Runtime Overhead: Since the check is done at compile-time, there's no performance impact when the game is running.
  3. Self-Documenting Code: The assertion clearly states the requirement, serving as documentation.

Comparison with Runtime Checks

Let's compare this with a runtime check:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace Config {
  inline constexpr int BOMB_COUNT{100};
  inline constexpr int GRID_COLUMNS{8};
  inline constexpr int GRID_ROWS{4};
} // namespace Config

void validateConfig() {
  if (Config::BOMB_COUNT >=
      Config::GRID_COLUMNS *
        Config::GRID_ROWS) {
    throw std::runtime_error(
      "Cannot have more bombs than cells");

int main() {
  try {
      << "Game initialized successfully!\n";
  catch (const std::exception &e) {
    std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << '\n';
    return 1;

While this achieves the same goal, it has some drawbacks:

  • The error is only caught when the program runs.
  • There's a slight runtime performance cost.
  • The check could potentially be bypassed if validateConfig() isn't called.

In our Minesweeper game, using static_assert ensures that we can't accidentally create an invalid game configuration, making our code more robust and easier to maintain.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Adding Bombs to the Minesweeper Grid

Updating the game to to place bombs randomly in the grid and render them when cells are cleared.

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Adding Bombs to the Minesweeper Grid

Updating the game to to place bombs randomly in the grid and render them when cells are cleared.

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