Cropping and Positioning Images

Detecting Image Clipping in SDL2

How do I check if an image is being clipped when rendered?

Abstract art representing computer programming

Detecting if an image is being clipped when rendered in SDL2 involves comparing the dimensions of the source rectangle (the part of the image we're trying to render) with the dimensions of the area that was actually rendered.

SDL2 helps us do this by modifying the destination rectangle after SDL_BlitSurface() is called. Let's see how we can implement this:

#include <SDL.h>

#include <iostream>

class Image {
  Image(const char* file) : surface{
    SDL_LoadBMP(file)} {
    if (!surface) {
      std::cerr << "Failed to load image: " <<
        SDL_GetError() << '\n';

  bool Render(SDL_Surface* destSurface, int x,
              int y) {
    if (!surface || !destSurface) return false;

    SDL_Rect srcRect{
      0, 0, surface->w, surface->h};
    SDL_Rect destRect{x, y, 0, 0};
    // w and h will be set by SDL_BlitSurface

    SDL_BlitSurface(surface, &srcRect,
                    destSurface, &destRect);

    // Check for clipping
    bool clipped = IsClipped(srcRect, destRect);

    if (clipped) {
      std::cout <<
        "Image was clipped during rendering.\n";
    } else {
      std::cout <<
        "Image was fully rendered without clipping.\n";

    return clipped;

  SDL_Surface* surface;

  bool IsClipped(const SDL_Rect& src,
                 const SDL_Rect& dest) {
    return (src.w != dest.w) || (src.h != dest.

int main() {

  SDL_Window* window =
    SDL_CreateWindow("Clipping Test",
                     640, 480, 0);
  SDL_Surface* screenSurface =

  Image img{"example.bmp"};

  // Try rendering at different positions
  img.Render(screenSurface, 0, 0);
  // Likely not clipped
  img.Render(screenSurface, 500, 400);
  // Likely clipped


  SDL_Delay(3000); // Display for 3 seconds


  return 0;

In this example, we've added an IsClipped() method to our Image class. This method compares the width and height of the source rectangle (what we're trying to render) with the destination rectangle (what actually got rendered).

The key part is in the Render() method:

SDL_BlitSurface(surface, &srcRect, destSurface,

// Check for clipping
bool clipped = IsClipped(srcRect, destRect);

After calling SDL_BlitSurface(), the destRect is updated with the actual dimensions of the rendered area. If these dimensions don't match the source rectangle's dimensions, we know that clipping occurred.

In the main() function, we test this by rendering the image twice: once at (0, 0), which is likely to render fully, and once at (500, 400), which is likely to be clipped if the image is larger than 140x80 pixels.

This technique allows you to detect clipping and potentially take action, such as repositioning the image or notifying the user that not all content is visible.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Cropping and Positioning Images

Learn to precisely control image display using source and destination rectangles.

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Cropping and Positioning Images

Learn to precisely control image display using source and destination rectangles.

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