High-Resolution Timers

Simulating Lower Frame Rates

Is it possible to simulate lower frame rates using high-resolution timers for testing purposes?

Abstract art representing computer programming

Yes, it's definitely possible to simulate lower frame rates using high-resolution timers for testing purposes. This can be incredibly useful for ensuring your game performs well across a range of hardware capabilities. Here's how you can implement this:

Basic Concept

The idea is to artificially introduce delays in your game loop to simulate slower processing. We can use high-resolution timers to precisely control these delays and achieve the desired frame rate.


Here's an example of how you can simulate different frame rates:

#include <SDL.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

void simulateGameLogic() {
  // Simulate some game logic
  SDL_Delay(5); // Simulate 5ms of work

void render() {
  // Simulate rendering
  SDL_Delay(3); // Simulate 3ms of rendering

void runGameLoop(int targetFPS,
                 int durationSeconds) {
  const double targetFrameTime{1.0 / targetFPS};
  const Uint64 performanceFrequency{
  const int totalFrames{
    targetFPS * durationSeconds};

  Uint64 frameStart;
  double elapsedSeconds;
  std::vector<double> actualFrameTimes;

  for (int frame{0}; frame < totalFrames; ++
       frame) {
    frameStart = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter();


    elapsedSeconds = (
        SDL_GetPerformanceCounter() -
        frameStart) /

    if (elapsedSeconds < targetFrameTime) {
        static_cast<Uint32>((targetFrameTime -
          elapsedSeconds) * 1000));

      (SDL_GetPerformanceCounter() - frameStart)

  // Calculate and print average FPS
  double totalTime{0};
  for (double frameTime : actualFrameTimes) {
    totalTime += frameTime;
  double averageFPS{
    1.0 / (totalTime / actualFrameTimes.
  std::cout << "Target FPS: " << targetFPS
    << ", Actual average FPS: " << averageFPS
    << '\n';

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  std::vector<int> testFPS{60, 30, 15};
  for (int fps : testFPS) {
    // Run each test for 5 seconds
    runGameLoop(fps, 5);

  return 0;
Target FPS: 60, Actual average FPS: 59.9987
Target FPS: 30, Actual average FPS: 29.9994
Target FPS: 15, Actual average FPS: 14.9997


  1. We define a runGameLoop function that takes a target FPS and duration as parameters.
  2. Inside the loop, we simulate game logic and rendering.
  3. We calculate how long the frame took and delay if necessary to match the target frame time.
  4. We store the actual frame times and calculate the average FPS at the end.
  5. In the main function, we test different frame rates (60, 30, and 15 FPS).

Advanced Techniques

For more realistic simulation, you could add random variations to the game logic and rendering times:

void simulateGameLogic() {
  // 5-7ms of work
  SDL_Delay(5 + (rand() % 3));

void render() {
  // 3-4ms of rendering
  SDL_Delay(3 + (rand() % 2));

You can also simulate CPU-intensive tasks periodically:

if (frame % 100 == 0) {// Every 100 frames
  SDL_Delay(50);// Simulate a 50ms CPU spike

Remember to implement time deltas to ensure game logic remains consistent across different frame rates:

void updateGameLogic(double deltaTime) {
  // Update game state based on deltaTime

// In the game loop
double deltaTime{elapsedSeconds};

By using these techniques, you can thoroughly test your game's performance and behavior under various frame rate conditions, helping you identify and fix issues related to timing and smoothness across different hardware capabilities.

This Question is from the Lesson:

High-Resolution Timers

Learn to measure time intervals with high accuracy in your games

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This Question is from the Lesson:

High-Resolution Timers

Learn to measure time intervals with high accuracy in your games

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