Byte Order and Endianness

Big-Endian Applications

If most modern CPUs are little-endian, why do we ever use big-endian format? What are the use cases?

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While little-endian is indeed more common in modern CPUs, big-endian still has important applications. Let's explore the main use cases:

Network Protocols

The most significant use of big-endian is in network protocols. This format is so common in networking that it's often called "network byte order":

#include "SDL.h"

void SendPacket(SDL_RWops* Network,
                uint32_t Value) {
  // Use big-endian for network protocols
  SDL_WriteBE32(Network, Value); 

void SendPlayerData(SDL_RWops* Network,
                    uint16_t Level,
                    uint32_t Score) {
  // Network protocols typically use big-endian
  SDL_WriteBE16(Network, Level); 
  SDL_WriteBE32(Network, Score); 

File Formats

Many established file formats use big-endian for historical reasons or compatibility:

#include "SDL.h"

bool IsPNGFile(SDL_RWops* Handle) {
  // PNG files start with a big-endian signature
  uint32_t Signature{SDL_ReadBE32(Handle)}; 

  // PNG magic number
  return Signature == 0x89504E47;

void WriteMIDIEvent(SDL_RWops* Handle,
  uint32_t DeltaTime, uint8_t Event) {
  // MIDI files use big-endian
  SDL_WriteBE32(Handle, DeltaTime); 
  SDL_WriteU8(Handle, Event);

Common file formats using big-endian include:

  • PNG image files
  • MIDI music files
  • Java class files
  • PlayStation 2 save files
  • Many older game console formats

Advantages of Big-Endian

Big-endian has some natural advantages:

  • Matches how we write numbers (most significant digit first)
  • Makes hex dumps easier to read
  • Simplifies debugging of network protocols
  • Natural for some mathematical operations

Example showing why big-endian can be more readable:

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include "SDL.h"

void CompareFormats() {
  uint32_t Value{0x12345678};

  SDL_RWops* Handle{
    SDL_RWFromFile("compare.bin", "wb")};
  if (!Handle) { return; }

  SDL_WriteBE32(Handle, Value); 
  SDL_WriteLE32(Handle, Value); 


  std::cout << "Hex dump of file:\n"
    << "Big-endian : 12 34 56 78\n"
    << "Little-endian: 78 56 34 12\n";

int main() { CompareFormats(); }

The key takeaway is that neither endianness is inherently "better" - they each have their use cases. When developing cross-platform applications, it's important to:

  • Use big-endian for network protocols
  • Follow file format specifications
  • Consider your target platforms
  • Document your endianness choices

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