Display Modes

Display Mode Safety Timer

How can we implement a system that reverts to the previous display mode after a timer if the user doesn't confirm the changes?

Abstract art representing computer programming

Here's how to implement a safety timer for display mode changes:

#include <SDL.h>
#include <iostream>

class DisplayModeGuard {
  SDL_Window* Window;
  SDL_DisplayMode PreviousMode;
  Uint32 StartTime;
  Uint32 TimeoutMs;
  bool Confirmed{false};

    SDL_Window* Window,
    Uint32 TimeoutMs
  ) : Window{Window}, TimeoutMs{TimeoutMs} {
    // Store current mode before changes
      Window, &PreviousMode);
    StartTime = SDL_GetTicks();

  void Confirm() { Confirmed = true; }

  bool HasExpired() const {
    return !Confirmed && (SDL_GetTicks() -
      StartTime >= TimeoutMs);

  void RevertIfNeeded() {
    if (HasExpired()) {
        Window, &PreviousMode);

  ~DisplayModeGuard() { RevertIfNeeded(); }

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  SDL_Window* Window{SDL_CreateWindow(
    "Display Mode Test",
    800, 600, 0

  // Create guard with 15 second timeout
  DisplayModeGuard Guard{Window, 15000};

  // Try new display mode
  SDL_DisplayMode NewMode{
    0, 1920, 1080, 60, nullptr};
  SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode(Window, &NewMode);

  std::cout << "Press Enter to confirm new display"
    " mode or wait 15 seconds to revert\n";

  // Simple event loop
  bool Running{true};
  while (Running) {
    SDL_Event Event;
    while (SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) {
      if (Event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN &&
        Event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN) {
        Running = false;
      } else if (Event.type == SDL_QUIT) {
        Running = false;

    if (Guard.HasExpired()) { Running = false; }


  return 0;

This implementation uses RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) to ensure the display mode reverts if not confirmed. The DisplayModeGuard class:

  • Stores the previous display mode when constructed
  • Tracks time since the change was made
  • Automatically reverts if not confirmed within the timeout period
  • Uses RAII to guarantee cleanup even if the program crashes

You could expand this system by adding a visual countdown or handling additional user input types.

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