Brightness and Gamma

Create a Brightness Settings Slider

How do I implement a brightness slider in my game's settings menu?

Abstract art representing computer programming

Let's implement a reusable brightness control system that integrates with a settings menu:

#include <SDL.h>
#include <iostream>

class BrightnessControl {
  SDL_Window* Window;
  float CurrentBrightness{1.0f};
  float MinBrightness{0.5f};
  float MaxBrightness{2.0f};

  BrightnessControl(SDL_Window* W) : Window{W} {
    // Store initial brightness
    CurrentBrightness = SDL_GetWindowBrightness(

  // Convert 0-100 slider value to brightness
  void SetFromSlider(int SliderValue) {
    float Normalized{SliderValue / 100.0f};
    float NewBrightness{
      MinBrightness +
      (MaxBrightness - MinBrightness) *


  // Convert current brightness to 0-100 slider value
  int GetSliderValue() const {
    float Normalized{
      (CurrentBrightness - MinBrightness) /
      (MaxBrightness - MinBrightness)

    return static_cast<int>(Normalized *

  void SetBrightness(float NewBrightness) {
    // Clamp to valid range
    if (NewBrightness < MinBrightness) {
      NewBrightness = MinBrightness;
    if (NewBrightness > MaxBrightness) {
      NewBrightness = MaxBrightness;

    if (SDL_SetWindowBrightness(
      Window, NewBrightness) < 0) {
      std::cout << "Brightness error: "
        << SDL_GetError() << '\n';

    CurrentBrightness = NewBrightness;

  float GetBrightness() const {
    return CurrentBrightness;

// Example usage in a settings menu
int main() {

  SDL_Window* Window{
      "Brightness Demo",
      800, 600,

  BrightnessControl Control{Window};

  // Simulate user moving slider to 75%
  std::cout << "Brightness set to: "
    << Control.GetBrightness() << '\n';

  // Get slider position for UI
  std::cout << "Slider position: "
    << Control.GetSliderValue() << '\n';

  return 0;
Brightness set to: 1.75
Slider position: 75

This implementation:

  • Maps slider values (0-100) to brightness values
  • Handles error checking
  • Provides easy integration with UI systems
  • Maintains reasonable brightness limits
  • Can retrieve current values for UI updates

Consider adding a preview feature that temporarily applies brightness changes while the user adjusts the slider, only saving the setting when they click "Apply" or "Save".

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Screenshot from Warhammer: Total War
Screenshot from Tomb Raider
Screenshot from Jedi: Fallen Order
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