Member Function Pointers and Binding

std::mem_fn() and Code Readability

How does using std::mem_fn() improve code readability compared to raw function pointers?

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Using std::mem_fn() can significantly improve code readability compared to raw function pointers in several ways:

Simplified Syntax

std::mem_fn() eliminates the need for the sometimes confusing pointer-to-member syntax (.* or >*). This makes the code more intuitive and easier to read, especially for developers less familiar with these operators.

#include <functional>

class Player {
  int getScore() { return score; }

  int score = 100;

int main() {
  // Using raw function pointer
  int (Player::*rawPtr)() = &Player::getScore;
  Player p;
  int score1 = (p.*rawPtr)();

  // Using std::mem_fn
  auto memFn = std::mem_fn(&Player::getScore);
  int score2 = memFn(p);

Consistency with Standard Library

std::mem_fn() returns a function object that's consistent with other standard library function objects. This allows it to be used seamlessly with algorithms and other parts of the standard library.

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>

class Enemy {
  int getHealth() { return health; }

  int health = 100;

int main() {
  std::vector<Enemy> enemies(10);
  std::vector<int> healths(10);

  // Easy to use with standard algorithms

Type Deduction

std::mem_fn() can deduce the type of the member function, which can lead to more concise and less error-prone code, especially when dealing with complex class hierarchies or templated classes.

Uniform Function Call Syntax

std::mem_fn() provides a uniform way to call member functions, regardless of whether you're dealing with an object, a pointer, or a smart pointer.

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

class Widget {
  void doSomething() {
    std::cout << "Doing something\n";

int main() {
  auto doIt = std::mem_fn(&Widget::doSomething);

  Widget w;
  Widget* pw = &w;
  std::unique_ptr<Widget> upw =

  doIt(w);    // Object
  doIt(pw);   // Pointer
  doIt(upw);  // Smart pointer
Doing something
Doing something
Doing something

Better Integration with Functional Programming

std::mem_fn() creates function objects that work well with other functional programming tools in C++, such as std::bind() and lambda expressions.

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

class Greeter {
  void greet(const std::string& name) {
    std::cout << "Hello, " << name << "!\n";

int main() {
  Greeter g;
  auto greetFn = std::mem_fn(&Greeter::greet);

  // Can be easily used with std::bind
  auto greetAlice =
    std::bind(greetFn, &g, "Alice");

Hello, Alice!

By providing a more intuitive and flexible way to work with member functions, std::mem_fn() leads to code that is not only more readable but also more maintainable and less prone to errors related to the complexities of raw member function pointers.

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