Double Buffering

How Does Buffer Swapping Work in C++?

Can you explain how buffer swapping is typically handled in C++ applications?

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Buffer swapping in C++ can be conceptually understood as switching pointers between the front and back buffers. Here's a simplified example:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

typedef std::vector<int> Buffer;

void swapBuffers(Buffer*& front, Buffer*& back) {
  Buffer* temp = front;
  front = back;
  back = temp;

int main() {
  Buffer A = {0};  // Front buffer
  Buffer B = {1};  // Back buffer
  Buffer* frontBuffer = &A;
  Buffer* backBuffer = &B;

  std::cout << "Initial front buffer value: "
    << frontBuffer->at(0)
            << '\n';  
  swapBuffers(frontBuffer, backBuffer);
  std::cout << "New front buffer value: "
    << frontBuffer->at(0) << '\n';  
Initial front buffer value: 0
New front buffer value: 1
This Question is from the Lesson:

Double Buffering

Learn the essentials of double buffering in C++ with practical examples and SDL2 specifics to improve your graphics projects

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Double Buffering

Learn the essentials of double buffering in C++ with practical examples and SDL2 specifics to improve your graphics projects

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