A Deeper Look at the std::string Class

Converting String Case in C++

What's the best way to convert all characters in a std::string to uppercase or lowercase?

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Converting the case of characters in a std::string is a common operation in text processing. C++ provides functions in the <algorithm> and <cctype> headers to accomplish this task efficiently.

Here's how you can convert a string to uppercase or lowercase:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>

int main() {
  std::string text{"Hello, World!"};

  // Convert to uppercase
  std::string uppercase{text};
    uppercase, uppercase.begin(),
    [](unsigned char c) {
      return std::toupper(c);

  // Convert to lowercase
  std::string lowercase{text};
    lowercase, lowercase.begin(),
    [](unsigned char c) {
      return std::tolower(c);

  std::cout << "Original: " << text << '\n';
  std::cout << "Uppercase: " << uppercase << '\n';
  std::cout << "Lowercase: " << lowercase << '\n';
Original: Hello, World!
Uppercase: HELLO, WORLD!
Lowercase: hello, world!

Let's break down the approach:

  1. We use std::ranges::transform() (C++20) to apply a transformation to each character.
  2. The lambda function [](unsigned char c){ return std::toupper(c); } is used to convert each character to uppercase. We use unsigned char to avoid undefined behavior with negative char values.
  3. std::toupper() and std::tolower() from <cctype> are used for the actual character conversion.

If you're using a pre-C++20 compiler, you can use std::transform() instead:

  text.begin(), text.end(), text.begin(),
  [](unsigned char c) {
    return std::toupper(c);

Note that this method works well for ASCII characters, but it may not handle Unicode characters correctly. For proper Unicode support, you might need to use a library like ICU (International Components for Unicode).

Also, be aware that these functions modify the string in-place. If you need to preserve the original string, make a copy before transforming, as shown in the example.

Remember, when working with std::string, it's often more efficient to modify the string in-place rather than creating a new string for each operation. This approach minimizes memory allocations and copies, leading to better performance, especially for longer strings or frequent operations.

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