Set Algorithms

Parallelizing Set Algorithms

Can set algorithms be parallelized for performance?

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Yes, set algorithms can be parallelized for performance in C++ using the parallel versions of the algorithms available in the C++ Standard Library.

Parallel algorithms can significantly improve performance on large datasets by utilizing multiple processor cores.

Using Parallel Algorithms

To use the parallel versions of set algorithms, you need to include the <execution> header and specify the execution policy.

The standard execution policies are std::execution::seq (sequential), std::execution::par (parallel), and std::execution::par_unseq (parallel and unsequenced).

Here's an example of using std::execution::par with std::set_union():

#include <algorithm>
#include <execution>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() {
  std::vector<int> A{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  std::vector<int> B{4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
  std::vector<int> Results;
  Results.resize(A.size() + B.size());

    A.begin(), A.end());
    B.begin(), B.end());

  auto UnionEnd = std::set_union(
    A.begin(), A.end(),
    B.begin(), B.end(),

  Results.erase(UnionEnd, Results.end());

  for (auto x : Results) {
    std::cout << x << ", ";
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

Benefits of Parallel Algorithms

  • Performance: Parallel execution can speed up processing on large datasets by leveraging multiple CPU cores.
  • Scalability: As the size of the data grows, parallel algorithms can better utilize available hardware resources.
  • Efficiency: By splitting the work across threads, parallel algorithms can reduce the time complexity of certain operations.


  • Overhead: Parallel algorithms introduce overhead from thread management and synchronization. For small datasets, this overhead might outweigh the performance benefits.
  • Data Dependency: Ensure that the data being processed does not have dependencies that could cause race conditions or require significant synchronization.
  • Compatibility: Not all algorithms support parallel execution policies. Verify that the specific algorithm you are using supports parallel execution.

Example with set_intersection()

Here's another example with std::set_intersection():

#include <algorithm>
#include <execution>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() {
  std::vector<int> A{1, 2, 3, 4};
  std::vector<int> B{3, 4, 5, 6};
  std::vector<int> Results;
  Results.resize(std::min(A.size(), B.size()));

  std::sort(std::execution::par, A.begin(), A.end());
  std::sort(std::execution::par, B.begin(), B.end());

  auto IntersectionEnd = std::set_intersection(
    A.begin(), A.end(),
    B.begin(), B.end(),

  Results.erase(IntersectionEnd, Results.end());

  for (auto x : Results) {
    std::cout << x << ", ";
3, 4,


  • Use the <execution> header and specify an execution policy like std::execution::par for parallel execution.
  • Parallel algorithms can enhance performance on large datasets by utilizing multiple cores.
  • Be aware of overhead, data dependencies, and compatibility when using parallel algorithms.

By leveraging parallel algorithms, you can achieve significant performance gains in set operations, especially for large datasets.

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