Recursion and Memoization

Tail Recursion

What is tail recursion, and how does it differ from normal recursion?

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Tail recursion is a special form of recursion where the recursive call is the last operation performed by the function. In other words, the recursive call is the "tail" of the function, and there are no further computations or operations after the recursive call returns.

Key characteristics of tail recursion:

  1. The recursive call is the last operation in the function.
  2. There are no pending computations or operations after the recursive call.
  3. The return value of the recursive call is directly returned by the function.

Differences between tail recursion and normal recursion:

  1. Optimization: Tail recursion can be optimized by the compiler using a technique called tail call optimization (TCO). With TCO, the compiler can eliminate the overhead of function calls and allocate a fixed amount of stack space for the recursive calls, effectively transforming the recursive code into an iterative loop.
  2. Stack usage: In normal recursion, each recursive call adds a new frame to the call stack, consuming additional memory. With tail recursion and TCO, the compiler can reuse the same stack frame for each recursive call, reducing the memory overhead.
  3. Clarity and readability: Tail recursion can often lead to more readable and concise code compared to normal recursion, as it eliminates the need for additional computations or operations after the recursive call.

Here's an example that demonstrates the difference between normal recursion and tail recursion:

#include <iostream>

// Normal recursion
int factorialRecursive(int n) {
  if (n <= 1) {
    return 1;

  // Recursive call is not the last operation
  return n * factorialRecursive(n - 1);

// Tail recursion
int factorialTailRecursive(int n, int accum = 1) {
  if (n <= 1) {
    return accum;

  // Recursive call is the last operation
  return factorialTailRecursive(n - 1, n * accum);

int main() {
  int n = 5;
  std::cout << "Factorial (normal recursion): "
    << factorialRecursive(n) << "\n";
  std::cout << "Factorial (tail recursion): "
    << factorialTailRecursive(n) << "\n";
Factorial (normal recursion): 120
Factorial (tail recursion): 120

In the normal recursive implementation (factorialRecursive), the recursive call is not the last operation. After the recursive call returns, there is an additional multiplication operation (n * ...) before the final result is returned.

On the other hand, in the tail recursive implementation (factorialTailRecursive), the recursive call is the last operation. The result of the multiplication (n * accum) is passed as an argument to the next recursive call, and the final result is directly returned when the base case is reached.

While both implementations produce the same result, the tail recursive version is more optimizable by the compiler. With tail call optimization, the compiler can transform the tail recursive code into an efficient iterative loop, reducing the overhead of function calls and stack usage.

It's important to note that not all programming languages support tail call optimization, and the availability of TCO depends on the compiler and language specifications. In C++, tail call optimization is not guaranteed, and its support varies among compilers.

Tail recursion can be a useful technique to write more efficient and optimizable recursive code, especially in languages that support tail call optimization. However, even in the absence of TCO, tail recursion can still lead to more readable and concise code compared to normal recursion.

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