Run-time Polymorphism

What is the performance impact of using dynamic_cast in C++?

The lesson mentions using dynamic_cast for downcasting. Is there any significant performance overhead associated with dynamic_cast?

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The dynamic_cast operator in C++ is used for runtime type conversions, particularly for downcasting pointers or references from a base class to a derived class. While dynamic_cast provides a safe way to perform such conversions, it does come with a performance cost.

When dynamic_cast is used, the program performs a runtime check to ensure that the conversion is valid. This check involves traversing the inheritance hierarchy of the object to determine if the conversion is possible. The traversal and checking process introduces overhead compared to static_cast or direct member access.

The performance impact of dynamic_cast depends on the complexity of the class hierarchy and the frequency of its use. In most cases, the overhead is relatively small and may not be noticeable. However, if dynamic_cast is used extensively in performance-critical sections of code, it can potentially impact the overall performance of the program.

Here's an example to illustrate the usage of dynamic_cast:

#include <iostream>

class Monster {
  virtual ~Monster() {}

class Dragon : public Monster {
  void breatheFire() {
    std::cout << "Dragon breathes fire!\n"; }

void castAndExecute(Monster* monster) {
  Dragon* dragon = dynamic_cast<Dragon*>(monster);
  if (dragon) {
  } else {
    std::cout << "Not a Dragon!\n";

int main() {
  Monster* monster = new Monster();
  Dragon* dragon = new Dragon();


  delete monster;
  delete dragon;
Not a Dragon!
Dragon breathes fire!

In this example, the castAndExecute function uses dynamic_cast to check if the provided Monster pointer is actually pointing to a Dragon object. If the cast succeeds, it calls the breatheFire function specific to the Dragon class. Otherwise, it prints "Not a Dragon!".

To minimize the performance impact of dynamic_cast, consider the following:

  1. Use dynamic_cast judiciously and only when necessary. If you can achieve the desired behavior through virtual functions or other design patterns, prefer those approaches.
  2. If you need to perform frequent casts, consider redesigning your class hierarchy or using alternative techniques like the Visitor pattern to avoid excessive casting.
  3. In performance-critical sections of code, profile and measure the impact of dynamic_cast. If it proves to be a significant bottleneck, explore alternative solutions or optimize the code around it.

Remember, premature optimization should be avoided, and the focus should be on writing clear, maintainable, and correct code. Only optimize when there is a proven performance issue and after profiling the code to identify the bottlenecks.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Run-time Polymorphism

Learn how to write flexible and extensible C++ code using polymorphism, virtual functions, and dynamic casting

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Run-time Polymorphism

Learn how to write flexible and extensible C++ code using polymorphism, virtual functions, and dynamic casting

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