Output Streams

Temporarily Change Output Base

Can I change the base of a number output temporarily without affecting subsequent outputs?

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Yes, you can temporarily change the base of a number output in C++ without affecting subsequent outputs.

This is useful when you need to display a number in a different base for a specific operation while keeping the rest of the output in the default base.

Using std::dec, std::hex, and std::oct

The manipulators std::dec, std::hex, and std::oct change the base of the output. These changes remain in effect until another base manipulator is used.

Here’s an example of temporarily changing the base to hexadecimal and then back to decimal:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  int number = 255;

  std::cout << "Decimal: " << number << '\n';  
  std::cout << "Hexadecimal: "
    << std::hex << number << '\n';  
  std::cout << "Back to Decimal: "
    << std::dec << number;  
Decimal: 255
Hexadecimal: ff
Back to Decimal: 255

In this example, the base is changed to hexadecimal for the second output and reverted to decimal for the third output.

Combining with Other Manipulators

You can also use base manipulators with other manipulators like std::setw() and std::setfill() to format the output more precisely:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main() {
  int number = 255;

    << "Hex: "
    << std::setw(10)
    << std::setfill('0')
    << std::hex << number << '\n';

    << "Decimal: "
    << std::dec
    << number;
Hex: 00000000ff
Decimal: 255

Here, std::setw(10) and std::setfill('0') are used to pad the hexadecimal number with zeros.

Function Approach

If you frequently need to switch bases, consider creating functions to encapsulate this behavior:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

void printHex(int number) {
  std::cout << std::hex << number << std::dec;  

int main() {
  int number = 255;
  std::cout << "Decimal: " << number << '\n';
  std::cout << "Hexadecimal: ";
Decimal: 255
Hexadecimal: ff


By using manipulators like std::hex, std::dec, and std::oct, you can temporarily change the base of the output without affecting subsequent outputs. This allows for flexible and precise formatting in your C++ programs.

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