Movement Algorithms

Implementing a Custom Swap Function

How can you implement a custom swap() function to optimize standard library algorithms?

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Implementing a custom swap() function can optimize standard library algorithms such as std::ranges::reverse(), especially if your type has specific requirements or optimizations for swapping elements. Here's how you can do it:

Custom swap Function

First, define your custom type and implement the swap function:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct Player {
  std::string name;
  int score;

  Player(std::string n, int s)
    : name(n), score(s) {}

  // Custom swap function
  friend void swap(Player& a, Player& b) {
    std::cout << "Swapping " <<
      << " with " << << "\n";
    std::swap(a.score, b.score);

int main() {
  std::vector<Player> players{
    {"Alice", 30}, {"Bob", 20}, {"Charlie", 40}


  for (const auto& player : players) {
    std::cout << << ": "
      << player.score << "\n";
Swapping Alice with Charlie
Charlie: 40
Bob: 20
Alice: 30

How It Works

  1. Define the Custom Type: We created a Player struct with a name and score.
  2. Implement the swap() function: The swap() function swaps the name and score of two Player objects. Note the use of std::swap() within the custom swap().
  3. Call the std::ranges::reverse() Algorithm: : When std::ranges::reverse() is called, it uses the custom swap() function to swap elements.


  • Optimization: Custom swap logic can be more efficient than the default std::swap(), especially if the type has complex move semantics.
  • Debugging: Adding print statements in the swap() function helps in debugging by showing when and how elements are swapped.

Practical Example

Here's another example with a more complex type:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct ComplexType {
  int data[100];

  friend void swap(ComplexType& a, ComplexType& b) {
    std::cout << "Swapping ComplexType objects\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {

int main() {
  std::vector<ComplexType> vec(2);
Swapping ComplexType objects


Implementing a custom swap() function allows you to tailor the swapping behavior to your specific type, which can optimize operations like std::ranges::reverse().

This is especially useful for types that have complex or costly move operations, ensuring efficient and correct element manipulation.

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