Pointers to Members

Smart Pointers with Member Functions

How can we use member function pointers with smart pointers (shared_ptr, unique_ptr) effectively?

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Member function pointers can be used effectively with smart pointers, but require some special consideration. Here's how to handle different scenarios:

Basic Usage with std::shared_ptr

Here’s a minimalist example using std::shared_ptr:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class Character {
  void Attack() {
    std::cout << "Character attacks!\n";

  void TakeDamage(int Amount) {
    Health -= Amount;
    std::cout << "Health: " << Health << '\n';

  int Health{100};

int main() {
  auto player = std::make_shared<Character>();

  // Store member function pointers
  void (Character::*attackPtr)() =
  void (Character::*damagePtr)(int) =

  // Call through shared_ptr
Character attacks!
Health: 70

Using std::invoke with Smart Pointers

In this example, we combine std::invoke with smart pointers:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class Character {
  void Attack() {
    std::cout << "Character attacks!\n";

  void TakeDamage(int Amount) {
    Health -= Amount;
    std::cout << "Health: " << Health << '\n';

  int Health{100};

template <
  typename Ptr, typename Func, typename ...Args>
void SafeInvoke(const Ptr& Object,
                Func MemberFunc,
                Args&&... args) {
  if (Object) {
    std::invoke(MemberFunc, Object.get(),

int main() {
  auto player = std::make_shared<Character>();

  // Safer invocation with null checking
  SafeInvoke(player, &Character::Attack);
  SafeInvoke(player, &Character::TakeDamage,

  // Demonstrate null safety
  std::shared_ptr<Character> nullPlayer;
  SafeInvoke(nullPlayer, &Character::Attack);
  // Safely ignored
Character attacks!
Health: 70

Callback System with Smart Pointers

We can use these techniques to lay the foundation of an event system:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

class Character {
  void OnDamage(int Amount) {
    std::cout << "Character took " << Amount <<
      " damage\n";

class EventSystem {
  template <typename T>
  void RegisterCallback(
    std::shared_ptr<T> Instance,
    void (T::*Func)(int)) {
    // Store a weak_ptr instead of shared_ptr
    // to prevent circular references
    std::weak_ptr<T> weakInstance = Instance;
      [weakInstance, Func](int amount){
        // Try to lock the weak_ptr to get
        // a shared_ptr
        if (auto strongInstance = weakInstance.
          lock()) {

  void BroadcastDamage(int Amount) {
    for (const auto& callback : callbacks) {


int main() {
  EventSystem events;

  // Create scope to demonstrate
  // lifetime management
    auto player = std::make_shared<Character>();
      player, &Character::OnDamage);
    std::cout << "With valid player:\n";

  std::cout << "After player destroyed:\n";
  events.BroadcastDamage(30); // Safely ignored
With valid player:
Character took 30 damage
After player destroyed:

Key considerations:

  • Always check for null pointers
  • Use std::weak_ptr for callbacks to prevent circular references
  • Consider using std::invoke for cleaner syntax
  • Be careful with lifetime management
  • Use type erasure when storing callbacks
  • Consider thread safety with shared resources

Best practices:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class Character {
  void Attack() { std::cout << "Attack!\n"; }

// Bad: Raw pointer usage
void UnsafeCall(Character* chr,
                void (Character::*func)()) {

// Good: Smart pointer with null check
void SafeCall(
  const std::shared_ptr<Character>& chr,
  void (Character::*func)()) {
  if (chr) { std::invoke(func, chr.get()); }

int main() {
  auto player = std::make_shared<Character>();

  // Safe usage
  SafeCall(player, &Character::Attack);

  // Also safe - null check prevents crash
  SafeCall(nullptr, &Character::Attack);

This approach ensures safe handling of member function pointers with smart pointers while maintaining good performance and clean code.

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