Fold Expression

Fold Expressions with Different Types

Can fold expressions be used with parameter packs containing different types?

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Yes, fold expressions can be used with parameter packs containing different types, provided the operator used in the fold expression is applicable to all the types in the pack.

For instance, consider a fold expression that concatenates various types into a single string. This can be done by converting each argument to a string and then using the + operator to concatenate them. Here is an example in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template <typename... Types>
std::string ConcatStrings(Types... args) {
  // Fold expression with std::to_string
  return (... + std::to_string(args));

int main() {
  std::string result = ConcatStrings(42, 7, 3.14);
  std::cout << result;

In this example, the parameter pack args contains an int, another int, and a double. The std::to_string() function converts each argument to a std::string, and the + operator concatenates these strings.

It is important to note that the types in the parameter pack must be compatible with the operator used in the fold expression. If they are not, a compilation error will occur. For example:

#include <iostream>

template <typename... Types>
auto AddValues(Types... args) {
  // Fold expression using the + operator
  return (... + args);

int main() {
  // Compilation error
  AddValues(42, "hello", ' ', 3.14);  

This code will produce a compilation error because the + operator cannot be used to add an int and a const char*:

error: '+': pointer addition requires integral operand

In summary, fold expressions can handle parameter packs with different types as long as the operation performed is valid for all the types involved. Ensure that the operator used in the fold expression is applicable to each element in the parameter pack to avoid compilation errors.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Fold Expression

An introduction to C++17 fold expressions, which allow us to work more efficiently with parameter packs

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Fold Expression

An introduction to C++17 fold expressions, which allow us to work more efficiently with parameter packs

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