Implementing proper Unicode support in a cross-platform C++ application can be challenging due to differences in how various operating systems and compilers handle Unicode. Here's a guide on how to approach this:
UTF-8 is widely supported and provides good compatibility across platforms. Use it as your default encoding:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
// Function to convert a char8_t string literal to
// std::string
std::string convert_utf8(const char8_t* utf8_text) {
return std::string(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(utf8_text));
int main() {
// Set the console output code page to
// UTF-8 on Windows
#ifdef _WIN32
// UTF-8 string literal
std::string text = convert_utf8(u8"Hello, 世界!");
std::cout << text;
Windows uses UTF-16 internally. You may need to convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
std::wstring utf8ToUtf16(const std::string& utf8) {
#ifdef _WIN32
int size = MultiByteToWideChar(
CP_UTF8, 0, utf8.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0
std::wstring utf16(size, 0);
CP_UTF8, 0, utf8.c_str(), -1, &utf16[0], size
return utf16;
// On non-Windows platforms, this function
// would need a different implementation
return std::wstring(utf8.begin(), utf8.end());
std::string utf16ToUtf8(const std::wstring& utf16) {
#ifdef _WIN32
int size = WideCharToMultiByte(
CP_UTF8, 0, utf16.c_str(), -1,
nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr
std::string utf8(size, 0);
CP_UTF8, 0, utf16.c_str(), -1,
&utf8[0], size, nullptr, nullptr
return utf8;
// On non-Windows platforms, this function
// would need a different implementation
return std::string(utf16.begin(), utf16.end());
int main() {
// Convert u8 string literal to std::string
const char8_t* utf8_literal = u8"Hello, 世界!";
std::string utf8(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(utf8_literal));
#ifdef _WIN32
// Set the console output code page to
// UTF-8 on Windows
std::wstring utf16 = utf8ToUtf16(utf8);
#ifdef _WIN32
// Use UTF-16 for Windows API calls
nullptr, utf16.c_str(),
L"Unicode Test", MB_OK
// Convert back to UTF-8 for cross-platform code
std::string backToUtf8 = utf16ToUtf8(utf16);
std::cout << backToUtf8;
Hello, 世界!
Most Unix-like systems use UTF-8 by default. Ensure your locale is set correctly:
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <codecvt>
int main() {
// Set the global locale to UTF-8
// Imbue std::wcout with the global locale
// Output wide string literals
std::wcout << L"Hello, 世界!" << L'\n';
Hello, 世界!
Consider using a library like ICU (International Components for Unicode) for consistent Unicode handling across platforms:
#include <iostream>
#include <unicode/unistr.h>
#include <unicode/ustream.h>
int main() {
icu::UnicodeString ustr =
icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("Hello, 世界!");
std::cout << ustr << '\n';
When reading or writing files, always specify the encoding:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
void WriteUTF8File(const std::wstring& fileName,
const std::wstring& content) {
std::ofstream outFile(fileName, std::ios::binary);
if (!outFile.is_open()) {
<< L"Failed to open file for writing.\n";
// Convert wide string to UTF-8
int size_needed =
CP_UTF8, 0, content.c_str(), -1,
nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr
std::string utf8Str(size_needed, 0);
CP_UTF8, 0, content.c_str(), -1, &utf8Str[0],
size_needed, nullptr, nullptr);
// Write to file
utf8Str.size() - 1 // Exclude null terminator
std::wstring ReadUTF8File(
const std::wstring& fileName
) {
std::ifstream inFile(fileName, std::ios::binary);
if (!inFile.is_open()) {
<< L"Failed to open file for reading.\n";
return L"";
// Read file content into a string
std::string utf8Str(
// Convert UTF-8 string to wide string
int size_needed = MultiByteToWideChar(
CP_UTF8, 0, utf8Str.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0);
std::wstring wideStr(size_needed, 0);
CP_UTF8, 0, utf8Str.c_str(), -1,
&wideStr[0], size_needed);
return wideStr;
int main() {
// Set console output to UTF-8
// Enable UTF-8 mode for C++ streams
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U8TEXT);
_setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_U8TEXT);
std::wstring fileName = L"test.txt";
std::wstring content = L"Hello, 世界!";
// Writing UTF-8
WriteUTF8File(fileName, content);
// Reading UTF-8
std::wstring readContent =
std::wcout << L"Content read from file: "
<< readContent << std::endl;
Content read from file: Hello, 世界!
string literal prefix.By following these guidelines and using appropriate libraries, you can create C++ applications with robust Unicode support that work consistently across different platforms.
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An introduction to C++ character types, the Unicode standard, character encoding, and C-style strings