
Rounding Floating Point Numbers

How do I round floating point numbers to the nearest integer? For example, if I want 2.7 to become 3?

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There are several ways to round floating-point numbers in C++, each with its own specific behavior. Let's explore the main approaches:

Using Standard Library Functions

The <cmath> library provides several useful rounding functions:

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  float damage{24.7f};

  // Round to nearest integer
  int roundedDamage{

  // Round down (floor)
  int floorDamage{

  // Round up (ceiling)
  int ceilingDamage{

  cout << "Original: " << damage << "\n";
  cout << "Rounded: " << roundedDamage << "\n";
  cout << "Floor: " << floorDamage << "\n";
  cout << "Ceiling: " << ceilingDamage;
Original: 24.7
Rounded: 25
Floor: 24
Ceiling: 25

Rounding to Decimal Places

Sometimes you want to round to a specific number of decimal places:

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

float roundToDecimalPlaces(
  float value, int decimalPlaces
) {
  double multiplier{pow(10.0f, decimalPlaces)};
  return round(
    value * multiplier) / multiplier;

int main() {
  float health{95.6789f};

  // Round to various decimal places
  float oneDecimal{
    roundToDecimalPlaces(health, 1)};
  float twoDecimals{
    roundToDecimalPlaces(health, 2)};

  cout << "Original: " << health << "\n";
  cout << "One decimal place: "
    << oneDecimal << "\n";
  cout << "Two decimal places: "
    << twoDecimals;
Original: 95.6789
One decimal place: 95.7
Two decimal places: 95.68

Practical Example: Damage Calculations

Here's a more practical example showing how rounding can be used in game mechanics:

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

float calculateDamage(
  float baseDamage, float multiplier
) {
  float rawDamage{baseDamage * multiplier};

  // Round to nearest whole number
  return round(rawDamage);

int main() {
  float weaponDamage{10.0f};
  float criticalMultiplier{1.5f};

  float damage{
      weaponDamage, criticalMultiplier)};
  cout << "Critical hit damage: "
    << damage << "\n";

  // Multiple calculations
  float multipliers[]{
    0.8f, 1.0f, 1.2f, 1.5f
  cout <<
    "\nDamage with different multipliers:";
  for (float mult : multipliers) {
    cout << "\nMultiplier " << mult << ": "
      << calculateDamage(
        weaponDamage, mult);
Critical hit damage: 15

Damage with different multipliers:
Multiplier 0.8: 8
Multiplier 1: 10
Multiplier 1.2: 12
Multiplier 1.5: 15

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